关于赞美的英语作文:The Power of Praise


  The Power of Praise
  Praise is like sunlight to our spirit. It gives us confidence and hope. However, this heavenly gift usually shows up unexpectedly.
  In junior high, it seemed fashion was never my cup of tea, for I had neither a lovely face nor an attractive figure. I found it boring and even heart-breaking to go shopping.
  The time came when we had to dress up for the prom. Unwillingly, joined my friends on the trip to Macy's. Unsurely, I tried on a bright violet flowered dress and stepped out of the dressing room. A good-looking lady was standing there. She glanced at me, smiled and said, “I love your dress." She had no idea how much her praise meant to me. These magic words touched my heart and I started to love my imperfect appearance.
  I appreciated that stranger's words of praise, which are not often heard. Now I keep reminding myself of the power of praise, even strangers, because we never know where it might lead.…