
- 阅153

中考英语满分作文: 不久前你在九洲体育馆认识了美国志愿者David并与他成了好朋友,回国后他十分牵挂你和你的同学,并写信询问你们的现状。请你用英文回信,介绍你们目前的生活,学习情况。回信应包含以下内容: 生活 1.有安全地方住 2.有饭吃 3.有干净水喝......


- 阅219

5月12日在四川汶川发生了一场大地震。这场地震造成6万人死亡,数百万人失去家园。地震后,人们用不同的方式比偶啊打了他们的爱心,有的捐钱,有的作为志愿者奔赴灾区..作为一个学生你该做些什么呢?请你根据提示和要求,适当发挥想象,写一篇英语短文。 要求......

Whether participate physical exercise? 是否参加体育锻炼?

- 阅158

假如你叫李华,你校初三年级同学正在开展一场讨论,主题是初三学生要不要参加体育锻炼。请根据下面所提供的信息,用英语总结出讨论情况。 提示: 70%的学生 30%的学生 应该每天进行体育锻炼,但不要时间过长 锻炼浪费时间、使人疲劳 锻炼能增强体质,保持健康......


- 阅287

第一次做饺子 The First Time to Make Dumplings I am good at study, I can always get the high mark in the exam, so I am very confident that I can do all the things well, but the experience of making dumplings changes my idea. It was on winter......

第一次成为班长 Being a Monitor For the First Time

- 阅115

Being a monitor is my dream, because I think it is so cool and I will have the power. So when I go into the middle school, I make my effort to be a monitor, luckily, all of my classmates trust me and elect me as their monitor. I am so happy......


- 阅153

THE VALUE OF TIME 爱惜时光 An English proverb says that time is money. I consider it (this) wrong. Why? Because we all know that we can earn money be work but can not in any way get back time (in anyway). For this reason, we may (can) say......


- 阅88

BE PATRIOTIC 要爱国 It is the duty of every citizen to make the country rich and powerful (To make the country rich and strong is...). In order to accomplish this object one must be patriotic (love his country). I consider this an unchange......

手机是否影响学习? Does Mobile Phone Distract Study?

- 阅237

Today, with the development of technology, people own all kinds of electronic products, mobile phone is very popular, almost everyone has a mobile phone at hand, we even can say that we cant live without mobile phone. As the phone has beco......


- 阅209

圣诞英语作文一: christmas is one of the most important celebrations of the year for the western countries. it falls on the twenty- fifth of december and has the same importance as chinese new year to people with english backgrounds. the c......

初中三年级英语作文:My View on Computers

- 阅131

Computers have played an important part in our life. They can do most of the things people can do. Through computers, we can acquire knowledge and get the latest news. Computers have made the communication with our friends convenient and e......

初中三年级英语作文:We Cannot Live without the Sun

- 阅162

Every morning you can see the sun rising in the east. The sun gives us light. When you stand in the sun you can feel the heat. The sun gives us heat from very far away. The sun is about one hundred and fifty million kilometers away. It look......

初中三年级英语作文:The Peoples Square

- 阅134

The Peoples Square is located in the center of Shanghai. In the north-east of the square stands the Shanghai Urban Planning Exhibition Hall. The Shanghai Grand Theatre is in the north-west of the square. Between two buildings stands the Ci......

初中三年级英语作文:April Fool

- 阅169

Last March, my mother told my father and me that my grandfather would come in April. We were very happy because my grandfather was an interesting old man and he had not visited us since he went to Hong Kong. On April 1 my father and I boug......

Keep My Words

- 阅187

Promise is very important, I hate people who break their promise, the one who cant keep his promise is not reliable. Once, my friend asked me to his company him, because he was alone at home, his parents were busy with their work. At first,......

Interest Is the Best Teacher

- 阅170

When I learned English, I felt so hard, because no matter hard I tried, I just could not understand the grammar. One day, my sister asked me why was I so confused with English, I told her I did not know, I was so afraid of it. Then she aske......


- 阅204

As you slowly open your eyes, look around , notice where the light comes into your room; listen carefully, see if there are new sounds you can recognize; feel with your body and spirit, and see if you can sense the freshness in the air. Ye......


- 阅244

Students, guests , teachers and Honorable Judges Good morning ! my great pleasure to share my dream with you today. my dream is to become a teacher.... As the whole world has its boundaries, limits and freedom coexist in our life. I dont ex......


- 阅105

Good morning everyone Its a great honor for me to stand here to deliver a speech to you. Then today I want to talk something about dreams and reality. As the famous Russian litterateur Lev Tolstoy (列夫、托尔斯泰)said, Ideal is the beacon(......


- 阅205

同学们在写英语作文的时候,有没有碰到过想表达一个观点,但是怎么讲似乎都不够分量的情况呢?这种时候,在文章中引用合适的名言警句,会给你的文章增色许多。引用的位置可以在开头结尾或正文段落中。 本资料包含初中英语作文最常用的名言名句,最后附上这类......


- 阅164

我过了一个快乐并有意义的寒假 I have a great time during the winter holiday, because I enjoy myself as well as focus on my study. As its known to all, the Spring Festival is the most important in winter holiday that would occupy much time t......