我的偶像姚明 Yao Ming

- 阅133

Yao Ming is a famous Chinese baskeball player. He is so excellent that he joined in NBA when he was 22 years old. He is the proud of our China. His excellent performance in the match always inspire many Chinese. He looks straightforward an......

季节英语作文:Stars on a Snowy Night

- 阅106

The thermometer had dropped to 18 degrees below zero, but still chose to sleep in the porch as usual. In the evening, the most familiar sight to me would be stars in the sky. Though they were a mere sprinkle of twinkling dots, yet I had be......

我的寒假生活-My Happy Times During Winter Vaca.

- 阅175


关于我对广告的看法 My View on Advertisement

- 阅102

Advertisement is very common in our life. I have a preference for it. It is funny and helps us a lot. Every time when I open TV or go outside, I can see various advertisements. They tell me the information that people concerned lately. So,......

如何获得快乐 How to be happy

- 阅406

Happiness is them most precious thing in life. Without it, a man will feel that his ill fate has taken charge of (支配) him and the world is utterly(完全地) dark and dreadful(可怕的). On that account,his body grows weaker, his work slacke......


- 阅161


珍惜今天 Cherish Today

- 阅115

Timewaits for no one. If it flows away, it will never come to us again. We canttake charge of our time but we should know the importance of time and cherishtime. 时间不等人。如果它流逝了,它就永远不会再回来。我们不能控制时间,但我们应该知......


- 阅490

初一英语书面表达作文4篇 (1) Write a paragraph to describe your room.(你已经是一名初中生了,想必一定有你自己的一片天空小房间了。你能用英语描述你的房间吗。) 要求:语句通顺达意;至少40个单词;要有in, on, under等表示方位的介词 This is my r......

九年级英语作文change, solutions

- 阅118

--夏逸 How Ive changed Ive changed a lot in the last few years.For example,I used to be short when I was young, but now I am tall. As for my hair, I used to have short hair but now I grow it long. In the past, I used to be fat because of t......


- 阅291

M1 根据中文提示和英文提示词语,写一篇短文。 暑假已经结束了,你一定旅游过很多地方,去北京旅游了吗?请你根据提示写一篇有关北京的简介,以便宣传北京。 注意:1. 80词左右; 2. 所提供的英文提示词语必须涉及。 提示词语:capital of China, lie in the......

停止浪费粮食(Stop Wasting Food)英语作文

- 阅327

根据中文大意和英文提示词语,写出意思连贯、符合逻辑、不少于60词的短文。所给英文提示词语仅供选用,请不要写出你的校名和姓名。 生活中很多人都有过浪费粮食的经历,如有些同学早餐时扔掉不爱吃的鸡蛋,有些同学经常要求妈妈做很多种食品,吃不了就全部倒......


- 阅435

假设你是Shirley。你的笔友李华和父母情有一点小矛盾,想要向你倾述。下面是他给你的电子邮件。请你根据他的邮件内容写一封回信,谈谈你对这件事的看法和理由,同时提出一些帮助他解决问题的建议。 Dear Shirley, Recently I had some trouble with my paren......


- 阅1336

初中生活即将结束,我们有很多不能忘记的美好记忆。与同学之间的友好交往,与老师之间的坦诚沟通。与家长之间的倾心交流 你校校报English Club正在开展以难忘的回忆为主题的征文活动。 假设你叫魏东,请你参加投稿,写一件你与同学(或朋友、老师、家长)等......

与人交往(communicating with others)英语作文

- 阅182

生活中我们每天都在与人交往,也许你曾经遇到过这样的困境:你想在聚会上穿的衣服脏了让妈妈帮你洗,然而妈妈因为工作太忙没有时间洗;与同学共同完成墙报(a wall newspaper)时,你有一个自认为很好的想法没有被采纳;你最近学习很忙,但是向你请教问题的......

关于赞美的英语作文:The Power of Praise

- 阅182

The Power of Praise 在日常生活和学习中,肯定和赞美的力量是巨大的。请描述一件你经历的类似的事情,并谈谈你的感受或看法。 Praise is like sunlight to our spirit. It gives us confidence and hope. However, this heavenly gift usually shows up une......

my dream作文

- 阅177

每个人都有梦想,有的人想成为医生;有的人想成为警察;有的人想成为作家。请以My dream为题写一篇短文,和大家分享一下你的梦想,内容包括:你的梦想是什么,为了梦想你做了哪些努力,还将做哪些努力。 提示词语:everyone, dream, become, enjoy, hard, in......

my teacher英语作文2

- 阅124

Mr O is my math teacher.He is 26 now.He is very kind and he always very funny.And he has responsibility.Sometines,he doest like our teacher ,he likes our adult friend,our elder brother.And sometimes he is very strict.I like him ,and my cla......


- 阅209

写作技巧Tips: 第一段开头句: My mom is about 45 years old. 第二段开头句: My mom is always reasonable. 第三段开头句: I love my mom and so I give her a hug. My mom is about 45 years old.She has long hair and very big eyes. She is a housew......


- 阅132

Tips写作技巧: 第一段开头句: There are four people in my family. 第二段开头句: In my family I love my puppy best. 第三段开头句: I love my family very much. Including me,there are four people in my family:my dad, mom,and my older sister......


- 阅216

Tips写作技巧: 第一段开头句: I like to go to school. 第二段开头句: All of the boys in my class are outgoing. 第三段开头句: I like my school life very much, because I can do lots of thing with my classmates. I like to go to school. There......