


dragon carving from gon kuzu camphor wood

或者oogon kuzu





gold futures


"The article's target is to improve the environment,protect the environment,environmental analysis of the ethical dimension inherent driving force is to help the public more thoroughly to see their own words and deeds in daily life behind nature,in order to continue to human settlement in economic development with environmental protection,and can not extricate themselves contradictions,To enable mankind can consciously avoid driven by egoism and utilitarianism,damage to the environment.I hope this research can help to solve environmental problems for the community to more reflection and self-reflection."

"Through the history of a large number of pollution incidents on"


黄金樟的价值要看纹理,举个栗子:拥有极品纹理的 干净的 无杂质 无虫蛀 无黑斑 的满瘤疤或水波纹的价值高些,单根镇纸大概100-200左右,一对大概460左右.品相差些的几十几百的都有.如果要是大料如茶盘之类的就要几千了.(金丝楠木有水波纹,黄金樟也有.黄金樟纵横交错的满瘤纹,金丝楠木没有;但气味前者是药香味,黄金樟则是浓酸味闻着不舒服,可以用清漆封住)



The Emperor is a man of humble origins and strong ambition, having risen to the throne from the lowly rank of captain. He abandoned his first wife to marry the Princess of Liang, who is now his Empress, to get the support of the Emperor of Liang and stabilize his own status. Crown Prince Wan is the Emperor's son from his previous wife, and Prince Jai and Yu are the sons of the Emperor and the current Empress. The Empress and Prince Wan have engaged in an illicit affair, while the Emperor has always missed his previous wife and announced that his previous wife has been dead. The Empress has always been ambitious. When Prince Jai knows that his mother has been forced to take drugs by his father, he complies with his mother to have the plot against the Emperor on the eve of the Chong Yang Festival. A tumultuous sequence of dark surprises has been set off...