because i love you(Groove Coverage演唱歌曲) 歌词


被誉为英国新猫王的Shakin Stevens,在英国及欧洲都是家喻户晓的超级巨星, 以演唱老式的Reckabilly为主。在1986年,Shakin Stevens以一首《Because I love you》,红遍海内外。在演绎这首歌时, Shakin Stevens一改昔日活蹦乱跳的演唱风格, 而是诚恳地唱出这首动听情歌以至轰动了整个欧美,也掳获了无数乐迷的心。时至今日,仍有许多年轻男女借这首歌表达彼此心中的爱慕之情。这首歌也是Shakin Stevens最广为人知的一首歌。

乐队简介编辑Groove Coverage 舞动精灵王族 是德国2001年新晋的乐队,以其混合多种元素的舞曲风格迅速走红,驰名全欧。God Is A Girl(上帝是个女孩)就是Groove Coverage的经典作品之一。另外,在中国颇为受欢迎的歌曲还有:Far Away From Home,7 Years And 50 Days ,She,On The Radio等。

歌词信息编辑I got your letter
  From the postman just the other day
  So I decided to write you this song
  Just to let you know
  Exactly the way I feel
  To let you know my love's for real
Because I love you 
  And I'll do anything
  I'll give you my heart, my everything
  Because I love you
  I'll be right by your side
  To be your light, to be your guide
If you should feel 假如你真的觉得
  That I don't really care 我并不很在乎
  And that you're starting to lose ground 而却是你一再做出让步
  Just let me reassure you 那么请再信任我一次
  That you can count on me 我可以成为你的依靠
  And that I'll always be around 我会永远伴你左右
Because I love you 因为我爱你
  My heart's an open door 我已敞开了心门
  So won't you please come on in 就请你进来好吗?
  Because I love you 因为我爱你
  I'll be right by your side 我就在你的身边
  To be your light, to be your guide 为你照亮前进的路
Because I love you 因为我爱你
  My heart's an open door 我已敞开了心门
  So won't you please come on in 就请你进来好吗?
  Because I love you 因为我爱你
  I'll be right by your side 我就在你的身边
  To be your light, to be your guide 为你照亮前进的路
Because I love you 因为我爱你
  And I'll do anything 我愿为你
  To be your light, to be your guide 为你照亮前进的路