钱的英文 与钱有关的单词 解释

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copper coin;cash;money;fund

中文 英文
赚钱 to make money
找钱 to give change
赢钱 to gain money
现钱 cash
退钱 to reimburse;to refund
钱柜 till;money-locker
钱财 money;wealth
钱包 wallet;purse
骗钱 to cheat someone out of money
赔钱 to lose money in business
弄钱 to raise money
赌钱 to gamble
本钱 capital
零钱 small change
金钱 money
价钱 price
还钱 to return money
花钱 to blow money
工钱 wages;money paid for the job
多少钱 how much money
零用钱 pocket money

中文 英文
付钱 come down with
n.钱 dinero
赚大钱 make a fortune
n.钱 mazuma
n.连钱草 ground ivy
零钱;权利 dibs
n. 钱箱 cashbox
n. 地钱 liverwort
n. 金钱 moola
n.零用钱 pocket money
n.换零钱机 changemaker
n.赚钱能力 earning power
v.损失金钱 lose money
n.应急钱币 money of necessity
n.钱;现金 quids
n.赏钱;小费 douceur
n.工资;工钱 laborage
几乎不花什麽钱 it costs almost noth
n.棒棒糖;钱 lolly
n.钱袋;钱包 moneybag
n.酒钱;赏钱 pourboire
琐屑不值钱的东西 frippery
n.英国五镑钱币 finnip
n.吝啬;私房钱 cheeseparing
n.钱包;皮夹子 notecase
n.大数目之金钱 pretty penny
n.贝壳珠;金钱 wampum
因缺乏金钱等而受窘 be hard up
n.心安钱;赎罪金 conscience money
n.金钱;物质财富 golden calf
n.金橘;金钱桔树 kumquat
n.塔状树;摇钱树 pagoda tree
n.金钱;不义之财 pelf
n. 钱包,小钱袋 purse
n.一分钱;一辨士 red cent
n.大量之金钱;高价 king's ransom
n.高利的钱;高利贷 dear money
v. 罚款,罚钱,罚 amerce
n.低微的薪水;零钱 chicken feed
a. 货币的,金钱的 monetary
n. 钱币奖章收藏家 numismatist
n.富豪阶级;有钱人 plute
n.角(中国钱币单位) chiao
a. 便宜的,不值钱的 cheap
n. 硬币,金钱,货币 coin
n. 酒钱,赏钱,小帐 cumshaw
adj.有钱的;富有的 moneyed
n. 辨士,一分,小钱 penny
n.有钱有权的人;富豪 plutocrat
n.甘蓝类蔬菜[汤];钱 kail


1. I spent lots of money on smart new outfits for work. 我花大笔钱购置了上班时穿的漂亮新套装。

2. Now is the time to touch him for a loan. 现在是向他借笔钱的时候了。

3. Stein rolled up the paper bag with the money inside. 斯坦把装了钱的纸袋卷了起来。

4. Legal action is being taken to try to recover the money. 正在进行诉讼以收回那笔钱。

5. Buying budget-priced furniture needn't mean compromising on quality or style. 买价钱经济的家具并不意味着就要牺牲质量和样式。