I Don't Know Her我还不认识她呢(双语笑话)

- 阅200

108. I Dont Know Her 108.我还不认识她呢 A couple walking in the park noticed a young man and woman sitting on a bench,passionately kissing. 一对夫妇在公园里散步,发现一对年轻的男女坐在一条长凳上深情接吻。 Why dont you do thatsaid the wife......


- 阅220

There was this guy who went into a bar. He went up to the bartender and said,Bartender, are you a betting man? The bartender replied, Certainly! Im ALWAYS a betting man! To which the man said, I11 bet you $50 that I can lick my right eye.......


- 阅162

In response to the request for kids growing up stories, heres one told to me many years ago by some friends about their five一year一old daughter Laura. The mother calls it The Kevin Incident. The father just says, Like mother, like daughte......


- 阅231

Harry was in the hospital. He was an old man. Any way there was this young nurse. Every time she came in, she talked to him like a little child. She would say in a patronizing tone of voice And how are we doing this morning? 哈里住进了医院......


- 阅212

A man is walking past a travel agents office when he notices a billboard announcing, 4 day cruise down the Murray River $40 all inclusive. 一个男人路过旅行社时,看到一个广告栏上面写着顺着墨累河漂流四天,全部费用只需40美元。 Impressed by th......


- 阅148

My husband, not happy with my mood swings, bought me a mood ring the other day so that he would be able to monitor my moods. When Im in a good mood it turns green. When I m in a bad mood it leaves a big red mark on his forehead. 我的丈夫对......


- 阅246

In this digital age, theres nothing better than receiving a good old-fashioned letter. Especially when its written by a child. 在这个数字时代,没有什么能比收到一封老式信件更好的了,特别是当写信的人是孩子的时候。 Whether its checking up on......


- 阅82

A:How come foreign language instructions on products are only half as long as those in English? A:外语的产品说明怎么只有一半,只要那些英语吗? B:They dont have as many lawyers suing the manufacturers as we do. B:他们没有像我们一样找许多律师......


- 阅213

律师的儿子 The lawyers son wanted to follow in his fathers footsteps, 律师的儿子想要继承他老爸的衣钵, so he went to law school. 因此他就去读法学院。 He graduated with honors,and then went home to join his fathers firm. 他以优异成绩毕业,然......

英语幽默笑话30秒Unit22:: guardian angle守护天使(双语)

- 阅231

A man was walking in the street when he heard a voice: 有一名男子正走在街上的时候听到一个声音: Stop!Stand still!If you take one more step,a brick will fall down on your head and kill you. 停!站住不要动瞅口果你再走一步,就会有一个砖块掉到......

英语幽默笑话30秒Unit26::Social Worker 社会工作者(双语)

- 阅182

Two social workers were walking through a rough part of the city in the evening. 有两名社会工作者在晚上的时候 走过市区的简陋地方。 They heard moans and muted cries for help from a back lane.Upon investigation , 他们听到从后巷传来的求救呻吟......

英语幽默笑话30秒Unit28: Silly Doctor蠢医生(双语)

- 阅154

Silly Doctor 蠢医生 A man went to see his doctor 有一名男子去看他的医生, because he was suffering from a miserable cold. 因为他正遭到令人难受的感冒之苦。 His doctor prescribed some pills, 他的医生开了一些药丸 , but they didnt help. 但是......


- 阅131

英语笑话:时间对猪有什么意义? 时间对猪有什么意义? Whats time to a pig? One day a visitor from the city came to a small rural area to drive around the country roads, see how the farms looked, and perhaps to see how farmers earned their liv......


- 阅133

A man was sued by a woman for defamation of character. She charged that he had called her a pig. The 0A man was sued by a woman for defamation of character. She charged that he had called her a pig. The man was found guilty and fined. Afte......


- 阅187

如何对待一颗脆弱的心?看漫画中的男人,你越说脆弱,他就越会摧毁她。所以人要坚强,才不会那样容易被摔碎。 女: Be careful with it...Its fragile. (把一颗心送给男的)请小心对待它,它很脆弱。 男:....砰(Crash) 男:.... 男:.... Eh, it was worth......


- 阅191

What do you suppose prompted the first caveman to eat a chicken? 古人第一次吃鸡肉的时候在想什么呢? Someone probably told him it tasted just like lizard. 也许他只是觉得那只是只蜥蜴吧~......


- 阅176

What do you suppose prompted the first caveman to eat a chicken? 古人第一次吃鸡肉的时候在想什么呢? Someone probably told him it tasted just like lizard. 也许他只是觉得那只是只蜥蜴吧~......


- 阅105

A:Ok, breathe!...Hold...Push! Push! A:好,屏住呼吸,推~~~ A:Waaaaahh... A:啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊~~ A: Sand have mommies? A:有砂砾妈妈? A:Yea! Its a grain! A:太好了,是晶砾。 teacher:Jonny has a Mothers Day poem for us. 老师:c有准备母亲节的诗吗......


- 阅112

A:Show me judge who has the power of his convictions... A你能给我展示一下法官的权利吗? B:And Ill show you judge who owns an electric chair. B:我可以让你感受一下电刑椅。......


- 阅186

A:Who knows the difference beteen a kingdom and a democracy? A:你知道君主制国家和民主国家的区别吗? A:Yes, Johny? A:Johny,你说呢? Johny: In a kingdom there is only one thief. Johny:君主制国家只有一个小偷。......