Imply, suggest and hint 含有“暗示”意思的三个词


Imply, suggest and hint 含有“暗示”意思的三个词

"What's the difference between imply, suggest and hint? "

Bruce Chen


Bruce 提出的这个问题大概就是因为 imply, suggest and hint 这三个词都含有“暗示”的意思。从这个意思上来说它们是同义词,但是仔细品味一下它们在不同语境中的作用,意思和用法也就不完全一样了。


The money went missing, he _________ that I stole it.

My doctor _________ that I should not eat too much sugar.

She _________ that she might prefer our company to theirs.


Imply, suggest and hint 含有“暗示”意思的三个词


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答案:implied, suggested, hinted