- 阅203My plan for College life 我的大学计划 Im extremely excited now ,In face of new envirenment of study and life ,I must make a good plan for it . 我现在感到无比的兴奋,面对的学习和生活环境,我必须为此做个好的打算。 Study comes first so I shou......
- 阅5032016高考英语书信类作文题目1 小明准备到外企求职,必须具备一定的英语水平。请发e-mail 告知他学英语的方法。 提示:1.养成良好的学习习惯(如) 2.多看英语电视和电影;扩大词汇量(enlarge your vocabulary); 3.要有自信;多讲,多用,不要怕出错。(have confi......
- 阅107Nowadays, more and more advertisements appear on newspapers,broadcasting, magazines as well as streets. Advertisement is a popular way to communicate with consumers. People have different views on advertisements. Some people think advertise......
- 阅216Failure is a common thing in ones life. Almost everyone experiences failure in his life. When one fails in his attempt in doing something, he often feels upset. Some people may yield to failure and flinch from it. But others will stick to a......
高考英语作文 世界无烟日
- 阅169高考英语作文 世界无烟日 World No Tobacco Day This years observance of World No Tobacco Day focuses on Gender and tobacco, with an emphasis on marketing to women. 今年的世界无烟日,关注性别与烟草,强调对女性的营销。 Although fewer than 1 ou......
It Snowed 下雪了 关于冬天下雪雪方面作文
- 阅162A Snowy Winter Morning 一个下雪的冬天早晨 The wind gently murmured,puffed and sometimes sighed like a summer breeze lifting the leaves along the livelong night.The cat was curling up quiet in her bed.The mouse was sleeping carefree in his......
- 阅2851.参观时间: 五月四日,星期三 2.颐和园简介: 它是中国最大的保存最完好的皇家园林, 风景优美, 甚是迷人, 有山有水, 有皇家建筑和画廊。 3.活动安排: 上午自由参观, 中午在快餐馆吃午饭, 下午5:30返回宾馆。 4.集合时间: 星期三早上6:10, 汽车6:30开, 行驶45......
- 阅2712016高考英语图表分析类作文题目1 最近,你参加了高三年级组织的你最重视哪科作业的调查,结果见下面的饼状图。请据此写一篇短文, 介绍调查结果,并根据其中两个数据谈论自己的看法。 注意:1. 短文的开头已为你写好。 2. 词数不少于60。 Recently, a survey......
- 阅3292016高考英语漫画类作文题目1 请观察下图,请以Where is my home?为题,用英语写一篇100词左右的短文。内容包括: 1.简述图所反映的两个环境问题; 2.简析成因; 3.发表自己的看法。 注:文章的开头已经给出,不计人词数;参考词汇:口罩mask 2 2016高考英语漫......
- 阅126高考英语的写作:学以致用,善于模仿 写作训练是中学英语教学的两大空白之一。在我们的中学课堂上,几乎没有系统的写作教学课。这使得写作成为很多同学在高考中损兵折将的薄弱环节,写作部分也一直是安徽卷失分最严重的单项。在此想和广大考生分享几点高考英......
- 阅206议论文是作者对某个问题或某件事进行分析、评论,表明自己的观点、立......
- 阅215高中英语满分书信作文的模板推荐信(求职/求学) Dear ______ , ①It affords me much pleasure to recommend ______(要推荐的人)to you.②During his/her graduate years he/she was my ______ . ③As his/her ______ I found him/her ______(介绍与此人的关......
- 阅228高中英语满分书信作文的模板感谢信 Dear ______ , ①I am writing to extend my sincere gratitude for ______(感谢的原因). ②If it had not been for your assistance in ______(对方给予的具体帮助), I fear that I would have been ______(没有对方帮助时......
高考英语满分作文 Notice(通知)
- 阅119高考英语满分作文 Notice(通知) 假设你们将于5月10日去体检。请根据下列内容和提示,写一篇口头通知,词数80左右。 1.体检地点:人民医院,离我们学校不远,步行大约15分钟的路程。 2.体检日期:5月10日上午8点,星期六。 注意: 1.7:45在医院门口集合,可......
满分作文范文辽宁卷:写信 Write letters
- 阅134满分作文范文辽宁卷:写信 Write letters 题目:假定你是某中学的学生李华。请用英语给出版社的编辑写一封信,表达你对现在使用的英语教材的看法,内容主要包括: 优点:1. 话题广泛; 2. 图片丰富; 3. 有助于提高学习兴趣。 建议:适当降低词汇难度。 注意:1......
- 阅297D Willi around 100 students scheduled to be in that 9 am Monday morning lecture, it is no surprise that almost 20 people actually make it to the class and only 10 of them arc still awake after the first IS minutes; it is not even a surpris......
- 阅1112014年四川省高考英语试题(一) 第I卷 (选择题 共90分) 注意事项: 1. 必须使用2B铅笔在答题卡上将所选答案对应的标号涂黑。 2. 第I卷共两部分,计90分。 第一部分 英语知识运用 第一节 单项选择(共10小题;每小题1分,共10分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中......
- 阅183书信作文精华模板开头: How nice to hear from you again. 很高兴再次收到你的回信 Let me tell you something about the activity. 让我告诉你一些关于这次活动的细节 Im glad to have received your letter of Apr. 9th.[/color] 很高兴收到你在4月9号的......
- 阅1841. To cherish the enviroment is to love ourselves. 爱护环境就是爱护我们自己 2.Water is the source of ourlives 水是生命之源 3.I make an urgent appeal that measures should be taken to cope with the situation 我急切呼吁应该采取措施改变现状 4.......
- 阅2431. Accomplishment is often deceptive because we dont see the pain and perseverance that produced it. 成功往往带有欺骗性,因为它背后的痛苦和坚韧,我们往往看不到。(挫折、成功、勤奋) 2.People often say that gold and silver are the most valu......
- 阅330你叫李平,是英语系学生会主席。写一封信给王教授,请他做一个有关中国历史的报告。注意信中要包括目的、时间、日期和地点。 Ⅴ。 Writing May 19,2002 Dear Professor Wang: On behalf of the Student Union of the English Department, I am writing to......
2014年成考英语作文范文 城市与农村
- 阅1561.一些人喜欢住在城市,因为城市生活有许多便利。 2.但有些人喜欢住在农村。 3.我认为, Where to live in the City or in the Country Some people like living in the city because city life has many advantages. They think there are more job opportun......
- 阅106一、动词时态及语态题(大家应该记住我所讲过的九种时态,特别是其中的过去完成,过去进行时,客观真理要用一般现在时等) 1、The manager told us that this factory was built in 1958.转自环 球 网 校edu24ol.com 2、By the time we got there, the play ha......
- 阅72第七篇: 1.假冒伪劣商品是个严重问题。 2.一些原因导致了这种现象。 3.为了扫除假冒伪劣商品, Fake Commodities Fake and poor quality commodities are a serious problem. Many things can be faked such as soybean sauce, vinegar, bicycles, and m......
- 阅68第六篇: 你是Helen,要写一封信给Julie,对她和她的丈夫昨日请你和你丈夫吃饭表示感谢,表示要回请他们,以答谢他们的盛情款待。 Dear Julie: Thank you very much for the dinner that you invited my husband and I to yesterday. The food not only look......
2013年成考高起点英语必备分类词资料 宗教类
- 阅71Christianity 基督教 Christendom 基督教界 Catholicism 天主教 Protestantism 新教,耶稣教 Reformation 宗教改革 Lutheranism 路德宗,信义宗 Calvinism 加尔文宗,长老宗 Anabaptism 再洗礼派 Methodism 卫斯理宗,卫理公会 Puritanism 清教主义 Quakerism......
2013年成考高起点英语必备分类词资料 动物词
- 阅76动 物 horse 马 mare 母马 colt,foal 马驹,小马 pony 矮马 thoroughbred 纯种马 mustang 野马 mule 骡 ass,donkey 驴 ox 牛 buffalo 水牛 bull 公牛 cow 母牛 calf 小牛,牛犊 bullock,steer 小阉牛 heifer 小母牛 pig,swine 猪 boar 种猪 hog 阉猪,肥......
- 阅100第四篇: 男女应该平等吗?(Should Men and Women Be Equal?) Should Men and Women Be Equal? People have different ideas about this issue, Some people say that men are superior to women in ability because men are physically stronger, do mos......
- 阅196第三篇: 你叫李平,是英语系学生会主席。写一封信给王教授,请他做一个有关中国历史的报告。注意信中要包括目的、时间、日期和地点。 Ⅴ。 Writing May 19,2002 Dear Professor Wang: On behalf of the Student Union of the English Department, I am w......
- 阅124第二篇: 1.一些人喜欢住在城市,因为城市生活有许多便利。 2.但有些人喜欢住在农村。 3.我认为, Where to live in the City or in the Country Some people like living in the city because city life has many advantages. They think there are more jo......
- 阅239假如你是李华,现任你们学校的学生会主席。你将代表学生会起草一份倡议书,号召全校同学行动起来,为环保运动做出自己的努力。同时下周六学校将组织同学在全市进行环保宣传活动,征召志愿者到校学生会报名。 注意:(1)短文应该包括以上所提供的主要信息,可适......
- 阅872015年高考英语作文范文:网络舆论 2015年高考英语作文范文:网络舆论 1. 如今网络时代,网络舆论事件时有发生 2. 网络舆论事件逐渐趋多的原-因 3. 网络舆论事件的影响与效果 On Events of Network Public Opinion Do you still remember the Guo Meimei Sca......
提纲式的议论文 我的机会观 My view on oppor
- 阅156提纲式的议论文 我的机会观 My view on opportunity 提纲式议论文 Directions : In this part, you are to write an essay on Opportunity and Success . You should write about 200 words within 40 minutes on ANSWER SHEET2. Your essay should be based......
- 阅2442015高考英语作文预测热门题目一:互联网俚语应该被禁止 目前,一些诸如GG, MM, Xia Mi 等网络语言在青少年中极为盛行,并且出现在家庭作业报告,甚至全国入学考试的作文中。请你以 Should Internet Slang Be Prohibited (禁止)?为题,根据下表内容用英语写......
- 阅1272015高考英语作文预测热门题目二:真正的生态旅游 假如你上周末参加了某旅行社组织的所谓生态游,你觉得名不副实。请你根据下表内容把自己经历的这次生态游和对真正生态游的看法写出来。 所谓的生态游 欣赏风景,享受新鲜空气 有人摘花、捉鸟、乱扔垃圾 真正......
- 阅1982015高考英语作文预测热门题目三:毕业的告别演讲 假设你叫李华,你将作为高三毕业生代表,根据以下要点在毕业晚会上用 英文作一简短的告别演讲: 1、对三年高中生活的怀念; 2、对老师的感谢; 3、对母校的祝福。 My teachers and fellow students, In a cou......
- 阅682015高考英语作文预测:Time is precious(时间是宝贵的) Time flies like an arrow before we realize it .It is known that nothing is more precious than time. The good old proverb time is money reminds us that time is valuable. When time goes......
- 阅991. 书面表达热点预猜(1) 假设你是李红,你的一位美国笔友Robert写E-mail问及你高考后暑假的安排,请根据以下要点,写一封100词左右的email回复他, 可以适当增加细节。 1. 学开车 2. 参加英语培训课程 3. 去北京看奥运会 4. 游览北京的名胜 注意:1.根据以......
- 阅120首先来了解一下英语作文的评分标准 各个档次的给分范围及标准(满分25分) A.第五档(很好):( 21-25分)1.完全完成了试题规定的任务。2.覆盖所有内容要点。3.应用了较多的语法结构和词汇。4.语法结构或词汇方面有些许错误,但为尽力使用较复杂结构或较高级词汇......
- 阅207俗话说:早起的鸟儿有虫吃。请根据你生活中亲身经历的一件事,说明一切成功源于干凡事早做规划,不断追求,辛勤劳作。 【参考范文】 The early bird will catch worms An old saying The early bird will catch worms reminds us that if people want to be s......
- 阅205Our New Teacher-我们的新老师 我们班是学校有名的捣乱班。但约翰逊老师采了以后,一切都变了。他看起来很和蔼,而且很特别。他来之前,我们觉得上课很无聊,没有人认真听讲。但仅仅半年,约翰逊老师就使我们班成为学校最好的班。他喜欢跟我们平等地交谈,而......
- 阅205一、英语书信的常见写作模板: 开头部分: How nice to hear from you again. Let me tell you something about the activity. Im glad to have received your letter of Apr. 9th. Im pleased to hear that youre coming to China for a visit. Im writing......
- 阅212一、举实例 思维短,举实例! 提出一个观点,举实例! 提出一个方案,举实例! 而且者也是我们揭示一个观点最好的方式,任何情况下,只要我们无法继续文章,不管三七二十一,尽管举例子! in order to attract more customers, advertisers have adopted every p......
The Mid
- 阅213The Mid-Autumn Festival The Mid-Autumn is a very important Chinese festival. It falls on the 15th day of August. A few days before the festival, everyone in the family will help to make the house clean and beautiful. Lanterns will be hung......
- 阅215英语网整理《 高考英语作文万能句子 :结尾句型》供考生参考。更多高考英语作文、高考英语作文万能模板、高考英语作文范文、高考英语作文常用句型请持续关注英语网高考频道。 高考英语作文万能句子:结尾句型 1.I will conclude by saying... 最后我要说 2.T......
- 阅83模块(2) In recent years , xx has caused a heated debate on . The factors for .First of all ,.Then , there comes a case that . Moreover , . Especially when . Indeed, these unique points can be collected theo remind people that .In this way......
我的生日礼物My Britihday Gifts |我的生日礼
- 阅153我的生日礼物My Britihday Gifts It was my birthday yesterday. I got a lot of gifts. All of them were covered with coloured paper. Among them there were two interesting ones. My elder sister gave me a round paper bag and I thought it was a f......
电视十分有用Television Is Helpful |我最喜
- 阅124Television came into being in the 1930s. Since then, millions of children have grown up in front of television sets. Why do people like TV? Because its helpful and has brought about great changes in our daily life. TV helps to open peoples......
面对冲突怎么做How to face with Conflicts
- 阅168高考英语满分作文:面对冲突怎么做How to face with Conflicts Conflicts with others are common in everyday life. Recently our class organized a basketball game. When the students played fiercely, Su Hua bumped into Li Jiang by accident, which......
高考英语满分作文:人物介绍Characters intro
- 阅140高考英语满分作文:人物介绍Characters intro Born on 7th March, 1915 in Australia, Allan Stewart got his first degree in 1936 and several years later he became a Doctor of Medicine. In his eighties he decided to study law and then he got his m......