环境保护英语作文:Help a bird


环境保护英语作文:Help a bird

     Basically, what we see in this picture is a bird lamenting the fact that its home has been destroyed. Of course, birds usually make their homes in trees, and since there are no trees left in the picture – only the stumps, to show that the original trees have been chopped down – the bird is left without shelter. In fact, the bird has no choice but to perch on the handle of an axe, which has been used to destroy its original home.   We can deduce from this picture that the drawer is trying to attract our attention to the tragedy of the destruction of forests, which is part of the threat to the ecological balance of the planet. He seems to be saying that soon there will be no trees left in the world. In my opinion, the sad little bird is a symbol of all living things, including human beings, and, like the bird, we too will be left homeless if we allow the destruction of the environment to continue. 

    This simple picture is a wake – up call for the whole of the human race. If this vivid image of the grim future of our planet is not to become a reality, we must take positive steps right now to put an end the plundering of the Earth’s natural resources. It is clear that the drawer of the picture is urging us to start with a campaign to save the forests, which is something all of us can join by urging our local authorities to take positive measures to save the trees.      我们主要能从这幅图上看到的是一只小鸟为自己的家被毁坏而悲伤。当然,鸟类通常把家建在树上,因为图中没有树了--只有树桩,表明原来的树被砍伐了-这只鸟无处藏身。实际上,这只鸟别无选择,只能停在被用来破坏它原来家园的斧柄上。我们可以从图中推测出画家试图把我们的注意力吸引到森林遭到破坏这一悲剧上,而这正是威胁地球生态平衡的一部分。他似乎想说很快世界上将没有树了,但我认为这只可怜的小鸟象征包括人类在内的所有生物。而且,如果我们允许继续破坏环境,我们也会像小鸟一样无家可归。
