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"Always be yourself, express yourself, have faith in yourself, do not go out and look for a successful personality and duplicate it." – Bruce Lee

"总是做自己,表达自己,相信自己,而不是去寻找一种成功的性格和复制它。" ——李小龙
When I was younger and not as confident as I am today, I was no good at being the real me. I was too busy trying to live up to other people's expectations of me. I was too afraid of the criticism and negativity that comes with it. I was too afraid of being judged by society for doing what I believed in, instead of what they believed in. Or what others expected me to do. I'm sure a lot of you can relate to this. The real reason people criticize you for being yourself is because they're afraid of doing the same thing. But regardless of the negative aspects of doing what's right for you, here are the top 10 benefits of being yourself!
10.People are more likely to trust you


Who are you more likely to trust? Somebody who keeps it real with you, tells you like it is, and is straightforward, or someone who can't say a few words without telling a lie? Honesty goes a long way. There aren't too many honest people In today's society. And when you're straightforward, less people are likely to try and take advantage of you. But back to the point, If you expect to be trusted, start being more honest. It's as plain and simple as that!

9.You won't feel like a fraud


Nobody likes feeling like a fraud. Nobody likes feeling like a faker. And nobody enjoys feeling like a copy cat. Nobody should have to feel that way either! When you're a fraud, you have to deal with the way people are going to treat you. And lets be honest, nobody's going to take you seriously If you're trying to copy Nicki Minaj or whoever It might be. So cut it out and start being honest with yourself. Unless you enjoy lying to yourself.

8.You'll make better decisions


When you put yourself first you'll always make better decisions when It's decision time. If you're constantly trying to copy someone, your decisions are going to be based on being like that person. Your decisions are going to be based off being something you're not. So It's clear to see why this would be a bad idea as far as decision making goes. However, when you're honest with yourself and you respect yourself, your decisions will always make a lot more sense. Because they'll be based upon how you feel deep down.

7.You'll gain a higher level of respect


Everybody looks up to somebody, whether they're a celebrity, musician, business owner or professional athlete. We look up to these people because we admire their spirit, their courage, their confidence, and their level of honesty. Not to mention the fact they're doing what they love to do, what they believe in, and they let NOTHING or NOBODY stop them. That's powerful. You don't have to be someone else to be respected, doing that would be the opposite. So be yourself, be confident, and watch how others warm to you and respect you for who you are.
