亚马逊推两款会员专享补贴安卓手机 购买者必须看广告!

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Amazon is slashing prices for two Androids listed on the site.亚马逊正在对其网站上的两款安卓手机进行降价销售。The e-commerce giant announced it is now selling some models for as low as $50, in exchange for the ability to pre-install Amazon apps and show users more ads on the phone.这一电商巨头此前曾宣布将网站上的部分机型进行降价销售,价格可能低至50美元。作为交换,该公司将在手机中预装亚马逊的应用软件,并向购买改款手机的用户推送更多的广告。Customers can choose between the latest Motorola Moto G and the BLU R1 HD, but consumers will have to wait until July 12th to receive either. Not only is there a wait for the handsets, those who do not have an elite Prime membership cannot reap the benefits of this compelling deal at all.消费者可以在最新款的摩托罗拉Moto G和蓝光R1之中进行选择,但是他们必须要等到7月12日才能够将购买的手机拿到手。除了要等一段时间才能拿到货以外,不是该网站高级会员的人将不能够享受这一优惠。


However, for those who do pay the $99 a year can have their choice of the two handsets that are up to 50 percent off the full retail price.但是对那些每年支付99美元的人(指会员)来说,他们就可以购买这两款机型,还可以享受最高5折的优惠。The all-new BLU R1 HD is only $49.99 (retails at $99.99) and the new fourth-generation Motorola Moto G is $149.99 (retails at $199.99). Both smartphones are offered unlocked and users will not be forced into a contract, which means they can choose the carrier they prefer.一台崭新的蓝光R1只卖49.99美元(原价99.99美元),而第四代摩托罗拉Moto G只卖149.99美元(原价199.99美元)。两款手机都提供解锁服务,而且用户不会被强迫签订使用合约,这意味着用户们可以按自己的喜好来选择运营商。However, The BLU is GSM, so it is only compatible with T-Mobile and ATT, while users who opt-in for the Moto G can choose any US carrier.不过,蓝光手机运载的是全球移动通信系统,因此它只兼容T-Mobile和ATT协议,但是选择Moto G的用户们可以自由选择任何的美国运营商。This move is similar to how Amazon approaches 'special offers' with its own Fire Tablets. Consumers can purchase a device for a discounted price, but will see targeted ads for Amazon and third-party devices when the screen is locked.这一举措和亚马逊之前对其Fire平板电脑所采取的“特别优惠”措施类似。消费者们能够以折扣价格买到一款手机,但是在手机锁屏时,他们会收到亚马逊和第三方机构的广告。When consumers receive an offer they find interesting, whether in a notification or the locked screen, they can just tap to learn more or simply dismiss it if they do not want it, claims the firm.亚马逊公司声称,如果消费者们对其接收到的广告感兴趣(无论是在通知中看到还是在锁屏时的广告推送中看到),他们可以点击了解详情,而如果消费者不感兴趣,他们只要把它关闭了就可以。The second part of the this deal includes Amazon, Amazon Music, Amazon Video, Prime Now and Audible being pre-installed from the moment you power on your discounted smartphone. These apps can be removed from the home screen, but are permanently installed in the phone.按照该协议第二部分的规定,消费者们拿到折扣手机后,只要一开机,包括亚马逊、亚马逊音乐、亚马逊视频、Prime Now和Audible等软件就会被预装在手机里。这些应用软件可以从手机屏幕上移除,但是被永久安装在手机里,不能删除。