中国翻拍韩剧热潮来袭 《太阳的后裔》将翻拍成电影

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The 2016 South Korean hit TV drama Descendants of the Sun is expected to head to the big screen as a Chinese-adaptation sometime over the next two years, Huace Film And TV, a Zhejiang Province-based media group, announced at a Beijing press conference last Tuesday.在上周二于北京召开的新闻发布会上,浙江影视集团华策影业宣布,计划在未来两年内将2016年热播韩剧《太阳的后裔》改编成一部中国版的电影,将其搬上大荧幕。One of the most talked-about cultural phenomenons this year, the South Korean TV drama depicting a romance between a soldier and a doctor has enjoyed immense popularity across Asia since its debut in February.作为今年最热点的文化现象之一,《太阳的后裔》讲述的是一名维和战士和一位医生之间的浪漫爱情故事,自从二月份首播以来便在整个亚洲积攒了足够的人气。

The show received more than 30 million views during its first day on streaming platform iQiyi.该电视剧在中国视频媒体平台爱奇艺网站第一天开播,便收获了三千万的浏览量。The show's success has launched the cast to stardom, with annual advertisement earnings for leading actor Song Joong-ki reaching an estimated 8 million yuan ($1.2 million) in the Chinese mainland.这部剧的成功也顺势捧火了剧中的明星,该剧的男主角宋仲基凭借该剧的超高人气拿到诸多广告代言,在中国大陆的平均年收入就达到了近8百万元(合120万美元)。"We will bring something unique to this film based on the successful TV version," said Zhang Yibai, the executive producer of the Descendants of the Sun film, at the press conference.张一白导演将担任本次《太阳的后裔》中国版电影的监制,他在发布会上表示:“拍这个电影不能只依靠原剧的光环,更重要的是做出自己的东西。”The Beauty Inside, another film adapted from a South Korean hit, is also scheduled to enter production in a year or so.此外,韩国电影《内在美》也即将开拍中国版,并计划在未来一年内开始制作。At the press conference, the show's director Jong Yeol-baek, also the director of the Chinese version, mentioned that while the new film will inherit the romance plotlines from the original version, it will differ by including more elements about familial bonds.韩国原版电影导演白宗烈也将担任中国版的导演,他在发布会上表示,新版电影除了将继承原版电影的浪漫情节,也会有所不同,将会加入更多的关于家族亲情的元素。