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15 Things You Didn't know about Steve Jobs 苹果创始人乔布斯鲜为人知的15件事

Steve Jobs is a force of nature, a truly iconic man whose quirks are nearly as famous as the products he sells. Here are a few facts you may not have known about the Enfant Terrible of Silicon Valley.

1) TIMELINE  大事年表

Dropped out of college - 1973 1973年从大学辍学
Joined Atari - 1974 1974年加入Atari公司
Went looking for enlightenment in India - 1974 1974年去印度寻求启蒙
Founded Apple - 1976 1976年创建苹果公司
Left Apple - 1985 1985年离开苹果
Founded NeXt - 1985 1985年创办NeXT电脑公司
Bought Pixar - 1986 1986年收购皮克斯
Returned to Apple - 1996 1996年回到苹果
Sold Pixar - 2006 2006年卖掉皮克斯

2) He's dyslexic  他有语言障碍

Other notable dyslexic figures:其他患有语言障碍症的著名人士包括:

Alexander Graham Bell  亚历山大·贝尔(电话的发明者)
Albert Einstein  阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦(现代物理学的开创者和奠基人)
Henry Ford  亨利·福特(福特汽车公司的建立者)

3) He was a troublemaker  他总是惹麻烦

Spent 3rd grade as a self-confessed, "little terror," who "... let snakes loose in the classroom and exploded bombs." 

4) He is employee No.0  他是0号员工

Apple's first board of directors wanted all employees to have name badges. The badges were to show a name and a number in the order employees were hired. 苹果的首届董事会想让所有员工佩戴胸牌,胸牌上有着员工的名字和编号,编号是按照员工入职顺序来排的。

Steve Wozniak, Apple II engineer and co-founder, got Employee No.1. Jobs was assigned No.2 and protested until he received 0 because it came before 1. 斯蒂夫·沃兹尼亚克,苹果2号机型的工程师,也是苹果公司的联合创始人,拿到了1号牌。乔布斯原本被分配到2号牌,但是他不停抗议,直到最后拿到1号前的0号牌才罢休。

5) He first discovered computers at age 12  12岁时他第一次亲密接触电脑

Larry Lang, an engineer at Hewlett Packard, showed Jobs his first computer at age 12. 
在乔布斯12岁那年,惠普的工程师Larry Lang第一次向他展示了电脑。

He immediately wanted one, "I just thought they were neat. I just wanted to mess around with one."

6) He loves calligraphy  他热爱书法

After dropping out of his classes at Reed, he sat in on a calligraphy class and became fascinated with fonts and penmanship. 

He attributes the original Macintosh's beautiful typefaces (to which Windows copied) to this exact class. 

7) He wasn't the cleanest fellow  他绝不是个爱干净的家伙

While he worked at Atari, he was moved to the night shift because he had poor personal hygiene and smelled terrible. 

8) He bought his first suit at 22 

He needed one for the 1977 for the West Coast Computer Faire, where he presented the Apple II. 

9) His daily uniform:  他的日常着装:

St Croix black cashmere/silk turtleneck sweatshirt  St Croix黑色羊绒/蚕丝圆翻领运动衫
Levi blue jeans (he owns over 100)  Levi蓝色牛仔裤(他的库存量超过100条)
New Balance Sneakers - Size 14  New Balance运动鞋,14号的哟