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  Money never produces the same results as time. Expensive clothes can't get you in shape; productivity apps can't make you more efficient; a new tablet can't transform your business life.


  Money can change some things, temporarily. Time can change anything, forever.金钱可以改变一些事情,可那只是暂时改变。而时间却可以改变任何事情,永久改变。

  And don't forget: Your kids will soon forget the video game you bought them but they'll never forget the afternoon you spent together.


  9. Do I think of myself as a noun?


  "I'm an inventor." "I'm a speaker." "I'm a writer."


  You're in a box.


  Start defining yourself as a noun and you start to feel like you've arrived (even when you haven't)。 Slowly your focus shifts to "being" rather than doing, to maintaining a sense of self rather than striving to continually improve specific skills.

  开始用名词描述自己,你会觉得自己已经到达了那个水平。 慢慢地你的注意力会转移到“是”上而不是做, 维持自我感觉而不是努力继续提高职位技能。

  And you slowly close yourself off to other activities, other ventures, and other possibilities.


  Don't define yourself by what you do. Never let yourself be a noun. Be a person who does lots of verbs--and is always open to more.


  10. Do I make people feel good about themselves?


  Unexpected praise, like the gift given "just because," makes a huge impact.


  Every day, people around you do good things. Praise at least one of them, sincerely and specifically. They'll feel great. You'll feel great.


  11. Do I scare myself?


  If not, you should.


  Don't scare yourself with fear of the future, or the economy, or injury or death, but with things you decide to do that push, stretch, challenge, and leave you excited and thrilled and relieved in an "Oh my gosh I can't believe I did that!" way.


  We all have fears. What matters is what we do when we're hesitantor nervous or afraid. When we turn away, we die a little inside; when we face a fear and do what we really want to do, we feel truly alive.

  我们都心存恐惧。重要的是当我们犹豫、紧张、害怕时我们做了什么。当我们扭头走开时,我们的内心在一点点死去;当我们面临恐惧做我们真正想做的事情时, 我们会觉得自己真正地活着。

  Are you living… or really living? You only get one chance. Make sure you live.
