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A 13-year-old boy from Staten Island, New York, took his own life last Thursday after being bullied by classmates at school.在被同班同学欺负之后,家住纽约史丹顿岛的一名13岁男孩于上周四选择结束了自己的生命。In teenager Daniel Fitzpatrick's tragic suicide note, which was supplied by his parents to The New York Daily News, he claimed that his old friends at Holy Angels Catholic Academy had stopped talking to him and didn't like him.这名名叫丹尼尔·菲茨帕特里克的男孩的自杀遗言,由其父母提供给了《纽约每日新闻》。在遗言中他提到,他在圣天使天主教学院的老朋友们,突然就不跟他说话了,也不喜欢他了。"I gave up," Daniel, who was scheduled to start at Brooklyn's Xaverian High School in the fall, wrote on lined paper.丹尼尔在横格纸上写道,“我放弃了。”他本来打算今年秋天转学到布鲁克林的沙文略高中,将一切重新开始。"The teachers either they didn't do ANYTHING!" he scrawled in the note.“老师什么都不管!”他在纸上潦草地写道。

Daniel's cause of death was hanging and the manner was suicide, New York medical examiner spokesperson Julie confirmed to PEOPLE.纽约验尸官发言人朱丽叶向人民网证实,丹尼尔是上吊身亡的,且方式确为自杀。Daniel's father,also Daniel Fitzpatrick, posted a video to his Facebook page to thank people for their support. In it, he condemns both the boys who "tormented" his son and the Catholic school that reportedly told him, "You'll be fine… These things will pass" when the teen went to school officials for help.丹尼尔的父亲也叫丹尼尔·菲茨帕特里克,他在脸书上发了一段视频,感谢大家的安慰与支持。视频中,他谴责了欺负自己儿子的男孩子们以及天主教学院,因为学校在这个绝望的孩子寻求帮助的时候告诉他:“你会没事的…很快一切都会过去的。”"Thank you to all the people out there for your support and condolences, your thoughts and your shares," Daniel says in the Facebook video. "My son's story is now out there for the world to see and for the world to know the pain that he went through. I miss my son very much."他在视频中说道,“感谢所有人的支持和慰问,感谢你们的理解和感同身受。我儿子的故事现在全世界都看到了,所有人都知道了他所经历的痛苦。我真的好想他。”"No parent should have to bury their child. No child should have to go through what my son went through."“没有哪个父母应该接受这样大的打击,也没有哪个孩子应该经历我儿子所受的痛苦。”"To the parents of the boys that tormented my son, all I have to say is I hope you never have to feel what my family is going through right now. You get to hold your children every night and day for the rest of your lives. I don't get that anymore. Your little monsters took that from me and my wife."“那些霸凌过我儿子的小子们,我希望他们的父母永远都体会不到我的家庭现在经历的痛苦。希望他们余生都能够看好自己的孩子,因为我再也不会有那样的机会了。你们的小恶魔彻底夺走了我们夫妻两个享受天伦的机会。”Daniel's mother, Maureen Fitzpatrick told the Daily News she recalled her son saying he wanted the bullies – who he names in his suicide note – to "know what they did to me and how I feel."丹尼尔的妈妈莫林·菲茨帕特里克接受《纽约每日新闻》采访时表示,自己想起儿子生前曾说过,他想要欺负过自己的小恶霸(遗言中提到过名字)知道他们对我做了些什么,也让他们知道我的感受。Daniel and Maureen claim the "bullies" mentioned in his note embarrassed him at Holy Angels Catholic Academy – throwing balls at him in gym class and calling him names, according to the Daily News.据《纽约每日新闻》报道,丹尼尔和莫林表示,儿子遗言中提到的“恶霸”在圣天使天主教学校经常让他难堪——比如上健身课时把球扔到他身上,或者是辱骂他。And the parents allege that the school did nothing to prevent or to help the situation.这对父母也表示,学校没有采取任何措施来防止这种情况的出现,或者是改善这种状况。"He felt like the whole school knew what was going on and was laughing behind his back. They humiliated him," said Maureen.莫林说:“他觉得整个学校都知道发生什么事情了,于是所有人都在背后嘲笑他。他们都在羞辱他。”The Brooklyn/Queens Diocese spokesperson told the Daily News: "In light of this tragedy we are reexamining all bullying prevention policies and training. The principal, teachers, and staff of Holy Angels Catholic Academy are heartbroken over the loss of Danny Fitzpatrick. We take the issue of bullying very seriously and address every incident that is brought to our attention."布鲁克林/皇后区教区发言人接受《纽约每日新闻》采访时表示:“以此为鉴,我们现在正在重新检查防止校园欺凌现象的政策和培训。圣天使天主教学校的校长和教工知道丹尼尔·菲茨帕特里克过世的消息都十分心痛,我们都很严肃的对待校园欺凌现象,对引起我们注意的事情也一定会严肃处理。”