让特朗普静静! 公众呼吁米歇尔·奥巴马参选2020年总统竞选!

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Are you glad that the US election is finally over?美国大选终于结束了,你们高兴吗?Well don't look now, because the next one is just around the corner.好吧,不要执着于这次大选了,因为距离下一次大选也没有多久了。The potential first shots of the next campaign were fired online in the hours after Donald Trump's victory became clear when hundreds of thousands took to social media to urge the current first lady to run for President in 2020.当特朗普胜选几小时之后,互联网上就打响了下次竞选的第一枪,数十万人涌向社交媒体,呼吁第一夫人米歇尔·奥巴马在2020年的时候参选总统。"Perfect conditions for Michelle Obama to win 2020 elections," read one comment.一条评论写道:“现在米歇尔·奥巴马参加2020年大选已经万事俱备啦!”Another said simply: "Michelle Obama 2020 please! Michelle Obama 2020 please! Michelle Obama 2020 please!".另一条评论则很简单地说道:“米歇尔·奥巴马,2020,求你了!米歇尔·奥巴马,2020,求你了!米歇尔·奥巴马,2020,求你了!”

Mrs Obama is that extreme rarity, a popular figure in America's political landscape.奥巴马夫人是一个非常罕见的人物,她在美国的政治生活中非常受人欢迎。Her favourability rating, pegged by Gallup at 64 percent, is significantly higher than that of Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, or even her husband.据盖洛普公司的调查显示,米歇尔·奥巴马的支持率达到了64%,要比特朗普、希拉里、甚至她的丈夫奥巴马都要高得多。There's one small problem for the first lady's supporters, however. In March, she said she had no interest in the top job.但是对于第一夫人的支持者们来说,现在有一个小问题。那就是在今年三月,米歇尔曾表示自己对最高职位不感兴趣。On the other hand, a few things have changed since then.但是从另一方面来讲,自那之后已经发生了很多事情,谁知道呢?!