悲催! 小偷网吧偷得三星Note7没出手就炸了!

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A phone thief who had a taste of some instant exploding karma when his stolen Samsung Note 7 burst into flames is now in police custody.一个偷手机的小偷尝到了爆炸的苦果--他偷了一部三星Note 7,然后手机就起火爆炸了,目前这名小偷已经被警方拘留。Officers in Hefei, Anhui Province nabbed the 19-year-old surnamed Jin for swiping the notoriously combustible device from an Internet bar on October 9.安徽省合肥市的警方目前已经逮捕了这名姓靳的19岁小偷,他在11月9日的时候从一家网吧偷走了一台“臭名昭著”的Note 7。Surveillance video from the bar shows Jin take the phone from a desk next to a napping customer, police said.据警方表示,从网吧的监控录像可以看出,这名小偷从一名打盹顾客旁边的桌子上顺走了手机。

Officers soon tracked Jin down to a friend's apartment where he had been hiding out.警方很快就在靳某一个朋友的公寓里抓住了他,此前他一直躲藏在这里。When asked about the stolen phone, Jin pointed officers to the roof of the building. There they found the remains of the charred device.当询问被偷手机下落的时候,靳某把警察们带到了屋顶。在这儿他们找到了这台已经被烧焦了的手机。It was not reported if Jin was injured by the explosion.目前没有报告称靳某是否因为手机爆炸而受伤。Jin blamed his misfortune on Samsung. "They only began to recall the Note 7 on October 14," said Jin. "This all might have never happened if the recall was earlier and the owner had sent it back."靳某则把自己的不幸归咎于三星。他说道:“他们从10月14号才开始召回Note 7。如果他们早点开始召回,说不定机主就已经把手机还回去了,这一切也就不会发生了。”