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Nintendo Co will release Super Mario Run worldwide for Apple Inc's iPhone and iPad on Dec 15, a highly anticipated launch that has a high bar for success after this summer's Pokemon Go phenomenon.任天堂公司将于12月15日在全球发布苹果公司iPhone和iPad版的《超级玛丽跑酷》。自今夏《精灵宝可梦Go》大热后,任天堂此次推出的产品备受期待,成功的"门槛"也很高。The game, the first mobile edition starring one of Nintendo's most iconic characters, will be free to download initially, and include an optional one-off payment of $9.99 to unlock all of the features.这是《超级玛丽跑酷》的首款移动端版本,主角是任天堂最具代表性的角色之一。这款游戏起初将可免费下载,也可以选择一次性支付9.99美元解锁全部功能。In addition to English and Japanese, Super Mario Run will be available in several other languages, Nintendo said in a statement.任天堂发布的声明称,除了英语和日语,"超级玛丽跑酷"还支持多种其他语言。

The model of luring in players with a free version and then a one-time price is "a great strategy by Nintendo", said Neil Campling, an analyst at Northern Trust Capital Markets.北美信托银行资本市场分析师尼尔·坎普林表示,先用免费版本吸引玩家,之后再一次性支付的模式是任天堂一个成功的战略。Many successful mobile games, such as Supercell Oy's Clash of Clans, which is also free but lets players buy "gems" with real-world currency, have seen annual spending of $100 a year per gamer.许多成功的手机游戏,例如Supercell Oy公司的《部落冲突》,也是免费的,但是会让玩家用真实货币来购买“宝石”。目前该游戏的每个玩家的平均年支出达到了100美元。Nintendo's shares rose 2.4 percent to 25,445 yen in Tokyo. The stock is up more than 50 percent this year, compared with a 6 percent decline in the Nikkei 225 Index.任天堂的股票上升了2.4%,到达25445日元。Super Mario Run marks the first time Nintendo's popular franchise is appearing on a smartphone.《超级玛丽跑酷》标志着任天堂最受欢迎的系列游戏首次出现在了智能手机上。Shigeru Miyamoto, one of the creators of the original Mario game, gave a short demonstration of the game at Apple's annual iPhone event in September.《超级玛丽》游戏的原创者之一的宫本茂,曾在今年9月份召开的苹果iPhone年度发布会上为该游戏做了一个简短的演示。