Fan's bathroom songs

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  Fan's bathroom songs

  WHERE do you go when you run out of ideas for your school essays? To the library? Online? Fan Fan says that she often gets inspiration (灵感) for her songs in the bathroom.

  "It's a small place where I can focus better and no one disturbs me there," she says.

  Fan, 26, works hard on her music. She spent 15 hours writing the song Little Potatoes (《泛泛之辈》) for her latest album, Philosopher (《哲学家》). She sat in a cafe for five hours, for three days, watching people. The album finally came out in October.

  "I studied the way people drink coffee, eat their dinners, wait for friends, chat with each other, and pay their bills," she says, "I saw that everyone is different. No one is average. "

  That's why she called her album Philosopher. It means that anyone can be a philosopher if they want. She says that philosophy is not as difficult as many people think. "It's just about attitudes to life," says Fan.

  Fan has her own philosophy: She enjoys being ordinary and simple. This keeps her in a good mood. She believes that good can come from even bad experiences.

  Last summer, she fell off a stage (舞台) and hurt her knee while she was acting. But she says that she became friends with the people who looked after her.

  Fan, who quit Harvard (哈佛大学) to become a singer, has been making music for seven years. Other pop stars are pushing hard to go into acting or hosting, she focuses on singing. "It's what I know best," she tells Teens.