独家:目标中考英语高分宝典 每周纽约时报精读 3

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  我的春季班课 程将一如既往的延续拓展阅读这一训练。我将就每周大事,筛选符合初中生水平(因为我的班次主要是初中)的文章,略作修改后,作为补充阅读在课上完成。

   文章主要涉及:环境与自然,医疗卫生,高新技术,空间探索等领域。而这些话题都是在北京近年来中考中经常考到的,如09年中考的阅读C篇就是行为心理 学。我不能保证做过这些阅读篇章的学生能够有实质性的飞跃,事实上没有人能保证这一点。我的意图有如下几点:

  1. 培养学生一种阅读的习惯,达到上考场时不慌张。

  2. 熟悉相关的话题,领域。记得某篇阅读第一段是这样的:

   ...doctor:" Hey, last time another company provided me a trip to Califonia, what do you have?"...

  而问题中也有问到医生和文中的“我”的关系。相信如果读者对于医 药代表这个行业熟悉的话,很容易了解文章的主旨。阅读领域广的同学当然不会对某一个领域的话题生疏,当然也就更有信心。

  3. 开拓思维,眼界。学而思做的是培优教育,这个“优”字如何理解呢?我认为这不应该仅仅是一种成绩上的提高,更重要的是,我们的教育应该能够使孩子们在今后 的人生道路上有所收益。我在课上经常讲:什么是精英班,什么又是目标班?你自己的目标是什么?我觉得作为老师,正确的引导学生关注的方向,指导学生看待事 物的方法是至关重要的。






More Doctors Giving Up Private Practices


  WASHINGTON - A quiet change is transforming(变形,转型) how medical care is done in this country, and it has very little to do with the health care law that President Obama just made.

  But it could have a big impact(影响,撞击) on that law's chances for success.

  Traditionally(传统意义上), American medicine has been largely a private industry. Most doctors cared for patients in small, privately owned clinics - sometimes in rooms adjoining their homes.

  But an increasing number of young doctors (be) deciding against opening private practices. Instead, they are doing operations at hospitals and health systems. And a growing number of older doctors - facing rising costs and fearing they will not be able to recruit junior partners - are selling their clinics and moving into paid jobs, too.


  For patients, this change is a mixed blessing. Of course bigger health care systems can provide better medical care. But the longstanding doctor-patient relationships may be going away.


  1, Translate the first paragraph.

  2, What's the meaning of the underlined word adjoining and recruit?

  3, The "be" in the 4th paragraph should be "am" or "is" or "are"?


  Give Up 放弃

  Rather than=instead of 不是而是

  Have something to do with 与XX无关

  Little 修饰不可数,几乎没有

  Clinic 诊所,或私人教程

  A number of 大量的

  An increasing number of= a growing number of= 数量剧增的


  Tell me why

  in my dream,

  children sing

  a song of love for every boy and girl.

  the sky is blue and fields are green

  and laughter is the language of the world.

  then i wake and all i see

  is a world full of people in need.

  tell me why(why),

  does it have to be like this?

  tell me why(why),

  is there something i have missed?

  tell me why(why),

  cos' I don't understand,

  when so many need somebody,

  we don't give a helping hand.

  tell me why?


  I ask myself,

  what will i have to do to be a man?

  do i have to stand and fight,

  to prove to everybody who i am?

  Is that what my life is for,

  to waste in a world full of war?


  毕得老师,毕业于北京大学, 曾致力于英语学习方法的研究, 在口语、词汇方面有深刻见解, 注重英语实际能力的运用, 尤为注重口语与发音技巧, 因英腔浓郁, 曾被约旦国驻华大使, 安玛尔哈姆德阁下赞誉为“perfect native speaker”详细>>

  回顾:目标中考英语高分宝典 每周纽约时报精读 2