I had one good day today. It started with a morning walk wit

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I had one good day today. It started with a morning walk with my dogs in the starlight before __41__. It was so __42__.Looking up, I thanked God for the stars, the earth and my life. After the __43__, it was time for a warm breakfast __44__ by some exercises. Then I headed out to the office. The sun was out and the snow shone brightly. The __45__ made me smile, and I sang along with the CD playing in my car with a __46__ heart.
My good day was __47__ beginning, however. I gave a cheerful greeting to everyone I __48__. I whistled cheerfully. I __49__ smiles and was happy to have them returned. I __50__ a helping hand to one friend. Later at the store I __51__ the door for a lady with her arms full of packages. I __52__ a few boxes of pancakes.I told a tired cashier what a good job she was __53__ and watched her whole face light up.
When I got home, I gave my daughter a hug, __54__ my oldest son on the head, and __55__ with my youngest son before doing some work on the computer. Then I answered letters, trying to share a little good humor, a (n) __56__ word, and a loving thought with my friends around the world. Later in the evening, I spent some quiet time reading a good book. __57__, I ended the day the way I __58__ it walking my dogs, and thanking God for the chance to __59__ for another good day.
Perhaps the __60__ to having a great life is to love all we have today.
41.A.noon       B.evening
C.dusk D.dawn
解析:选D 根据“It started with a morning walk with my dogs”可知,作者是在黎明前去遛狗。
42.A.scary B.disappointing
C.beautiful D.cold
解析:选C 根据“Looking up, I thanked God for the stars, the earth and my life.”中的thanked可判断一切是那么的美好,那么的美丽。
43.A.walk B.rest
C.class D.preparation
解析:选A 根据“It started with a morning walk with my dogs”中的walk的提示可知答案。
44.A.improved B.affected
C.replaced D.followed
解析:选D 根据语境可知,此处是在依次介绍作者早上的一系列活动,由此可推断此处应意为早餐后,紧接着是一些活动。
45.A.incident B.sight
C.thought D.decision
解析:选B 根据“The sun was out and the snow shone brightly”可推断此空应指作者上班路上所看到的景色。
46.A.heavy B.happy
C.broken D.warm
解析:选B 根据“I sang along with the CD playing in my car”可判断作者心情很好。
47.A.just B.still
C.soon D.even
解析:选A 结合上下文语境可判断此处应指作者美好的一天才刚刚开始。
48.A.admired B.missed
C.called D.met
解析:选D 根据“I gave a cheerful greeting”可判断此处应指作者与所遇到的每一个人打招呼。
49.A.needed B.shared
C.understood D.donated
解析:选B 作者与他人分享微笑,他人也冲作者笑。
50.A.offered B.wanted
C.kept D.laid
解析:选A 根据上下文可知,作者帮助了一个朋友。
51.A.answered B.painted
C.opened D.cleaned
解析:选C 作者帮助一个抱着包裹的女士打开了门。
52.A.bought B.sold
C.required D.threw
解析:选A 根据“Later at the store...”和“I told a tired cashier ...”可知,此处指作者在商店购买了几盒薄饼。
53.A.protecting B.finding
C.doing D.losing
解析:选C 作者称赞收银员工作做得很好。
54.A.hit B.kissed
C.spun D.shook
解析:选B 根据“I gave my daughter a hug”可判断此处指作者在大儿子的头上亲了一下。
55.A.fought B.dealt
C.agreed D.played
解析:选D 作者在进行工作之前,与小儿子玩耍了一会儿。
56.A.kind B.bitter
C.angry D.quick
解析:选A 根据“a little good humor”和“a loving thought”可推断出作者在信中与朋友分享快乐,故选A项。
57.A.Suddenly B.Strangely
C.Finally D.Unluckily
解析:选C 根据“I ended the day”可推断此处指做了很多事情以后,终于一天就要结束了。
58.A.planned B.started
C.remembered D.managed
解析:选B 根据“walking my dogs, and thanking God for the chance to __59__ for another good day”,再结合第一段可判断此处指作者一天的开始与结束的方式是一样的。
59.A.work B.care
C.ask D.live
解析:选D 作者感谢上帝又让他度过了美好的一天。
60.A.devotion B.desire
C.key D.response
解析:选C “the key to ...”表示“……的关键是”。