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4 Signs You’ve Found Your Once In A Lifetime Friend

Have you found your once in a lifetime friend? Friends and best friends will come and go, but your once in a lifetime friend will be there forever, and they will change your life for the better.
You’re inseparable and you love each other – here are 4 signs with which you can confirm that you’ve found your once in a lifetime friend.
1. You Have No Filter With Each Other

You both know each other’s grossest, most embarrassing stories, so you can be 100% open with each other. You know what they have for tea last night, and they know about the time you wet yourself when you were five.
2. They Always Have Your Back

They never upload unflattering pictures of you to Instagram, and they always defend you – even when you’re not there. If you’re having a down day, they will sympathetically listen while you vent, and they are always up for a night out when you’re in a good mood.
3. You Have The Exact Same Sense Of Humour

You laugh at the same TV shows and Youtube videos, and sometimes you catch yourself wondering why the two of you don’t have your own comedy show – you know it would definitely be hilarious.
4. You Don’t Need to Knock On Their Door

You and your lifetime friend have known each other for so long, it would actually be weird if you knocked on their door. You just walk right in and help yourself to some food from the fridge. You even have a spare key.