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Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County, Arizona, announced last Thursday that his six-month investigation had found that "probable cause exists indicating that forgery and fraud may have been committed in the release of President Obama's long-form birth certificate."美国亚利桑那州马里科帕县警长乔·阿尔帕约上周四宣布,经过半年的调查,他发现“有足够证据证实奥巴马的出生证明系伪造和欺诈。”The publicity-hungry Arpaio, a strong opponent of illegal immigration who calls himself "America's Toughest Sheriff," said the evidence gathered by his investigators suggests Mr. Obama's birth certificate and selective service registration card are fakes.这位渴望出名的警长乔·阿尔帕约还是一位非法移民的强烈反对者。他称自己是“美国最冷酷的警长”,并表示是通过调查收集的证据,以表明奥巴马总统的出生证明和义务兵役登记卡全是伪造的。

"Based on all of the evidence, I cannot in good faith report to you these documents are authentic," Arpaio said at a press conference, adding that his "investigators believe that the long form birth certificate was manufactured electronically and that it did not originate in the paper format as presented by the White House."阿尔帕约在一场新闻发布会上表示:“基于所有的证据,我无法诚实的告诉你们这些文件都是真的”,此外他还表示,自己的“调查确认奥巴马的出生证明是电脑合成的,它和白宫提供的原档格式不同。”Arpaio became Maricopa County sheriff in 1993, and has been elected five times.阿尔帕约自1993年起出任马里科帕县警长,并连任了5届。He said the investigation, undertaken by his five-member volunteer "Cold Case Posse", did not involve any cost to taxpayers.他表示,此次调查是由他手下的5位志愿者“疑案调查队”负责进行的,并未使用纳税人的钱。