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A teacher at a university in Tianjin has been accused of sexism for including an article on how women should please men as part of an English exam.天津某高校一名老师被指责性别歧视,原因是他将一篇“女人应如何取悦男人”的文章放到了英语考试当中。Students at Tianjin Chengjian University took to social media to condemn the article, which was included in an English language test last Wednesday for sophomores at the school.天津城建大学的学生们在社交媒体上谴责了这篇文章,该文章出现在了该校上周三对大二学生的一场英语语言测试当中。According to a photo of the test uploaded by a student on Sina Weibo, the article contains phrases such as "you don't want to be a waited girlfriend" and "a man needs an easy relationship."据一名学生上传到新浪微博上的这场考试的照片显示,这篇文章中含有像“你不想成为一个独守空房的女友”和“男人需要一个简单的关系”等语句。

The teacher said the article was for testing purposes only and did not represent the opinions of the school, according to people.cn.据人民网报道,该教师称这篇文章仅用于测试目的,不代表学校的意见。The text was apparently taken from the article "Why a man will marry you" by Nicole Gayle, a regular contributor on dating and relationships for ezinearticles.com.这篇文章是摘自尼克尔·盖伊的《为什么一个男人会娶你?》,她是ezinearticles网站关于约会和关系栏目的定期供稿人。Opinions on social media were mixed, with a surprising number of comments playing down the accusations.社交媒体上对这件事的意见褒贬不一,出人意料的很多评论都淡化了对这件事的指责。"Be clear that it is only a reading comprehension test, not an official opinion," wrote Net user "Xuyidong."网友“Xuyidong”说道:“要搞清楚这只是一篇阅读理解,而不是官方的意见。”