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Snubbed as an All-Star starter, Russell Westbrook is about to go nuclear.落选全明星先发? 威少要暴走了Now you've all done it. You went and delivered the most ridiculous snub in All-Star Game history at the expense of Russell Westbrook.2017年全明星赛的首发名单终于出炉了——没有拉塞尔-威斯布鲁克的名字。这可能是有史以来最令人意外的一次落选。You think his whole angry-force-of-nature thing was intense when it was about Kevin Durant skipping town? Just wait. It's about to go nuclear.之前大家都说因为凯文-杜兰特的离开,愤怒的威斯布鲁克开启了自然之力,进化成为强力杀伤性武器。这一次,笔者认为威斯布鲁克将更进一步、激发出毁天灭地的能量,进化成为核武器。I'm talking to you, fans. We (the media) didn't do this. They (the players) knew better.老实说,像笔者这样的新闻记者对NBA球员的了解程度有限。更加熟悉球员的还得是跟他们一样在场上奋战的队友和对手。The press and the pros rightfully voted for a Western Conference backcourt of James Harden and Westbrook, relegating Steph Curry to where he belonged: The bench.根据媒体和球员的投票结果来看,西部全明星的后场先发应该是詹姆斯-哈登和威斯布鲁克。当然,这也意味着斯蒂芬-库里将成为替补。Because the most obvious answer in All-Star Game memory was just that. Obvious beyond debate. Harden. Westbrook. Starters. The end.本赛季哈登和威斯布鲁克在场上的疯狂表演让人印象深刻。这么看哥俩应当是毫无争议的首发人选。好了,首发是哈登和威斯布鲁克,就这么定了。What were you thinking?不知道你作何感想?Only one player has ever averaged a triple-double for an entire season, the Big O in 1961-62.在历史上,只有61-62赛季的大O曾经打出过赛季场均三双的表现。And in Westbrook's case, those 30.6 points per game are the best in the NBA.我们再来看看本赛季的威斯布鲁克,他的场均得分(30.6)在得分榜高居第一。He's the leading scorer, he's making history, he's single-handedly trying to make right for Oklahoma City, which is a legit playoff team at present for one reason and one reason only.作为得分王,威斯布鲁克把整支球队都扛在了肩上。到目前为止,雷霆尚能占据一个季后赛席位的原因有且只有一个。Russell Westbrook.那就是:拉塞尔-威斯布鲁克。And you snubbed him, and all that greatness, to the benefit of Steph Curry?现在,由于斯蒂芬-库里的缘故,奉献出如此伟大表演的威斯布鲁克将被踢出全明星首发名单?Watch out.等着看吧。

I can't imagine what level of rage is going to be firing inside Westbrook in the days, weeks, months ahead.在接下来的几天、几周甚至数月内,威斯布鲁克会爆发出何等的震天怒气?笔者已然词穷了。Durant skipped town and Westbrook became a nightly basketball wrecking ball -- tearing down teams with scoring, assists, ball movement, rebounds, huge shots, and a ferocious obsession that has the Thunder at 25-9 despite having its heart ripped out in the offseason.在休赛期,杜兰特的离开让威斯布鲁克伤心欲绝,回到赛场的后者成为了一台杀戮机器——他用得分、助攻、传球、篮板、投篮以及对篮球的执念击溃了一个又一个对手。在他的努力下,雷霆取得了25胜19负的战绩。It's not hard to have a conversation with a current or former NBA player and have it slide into off-the-record talk that Curry, great and all, gets too much love.如果你随便找一个退役或现役的NBA球员闲聊,在谈到库里时他们八成会承认他的伟大。但与此同时,他们也会告诉你人们过于追捧库里了。I'd usually disagree with them but this year, in relation to Westbrook, there's no argument to be made.以往笔者并不同意这样的说法。不过在今年,由于威斯布鲁克的缘故,笔者不得不承认球员们的观点是对的。Well, that love for Curry, although well-deserved, is about to have real consequences for every team that has the misfortune of facing Westbrook going forward.是的,由于人们对库里的爱(当然这是他应得的),在接下来的比赛中雷霆的对手们都要遭殃了。Every player at this level is competitive, and all have pride. But if there was a hate hall of fame dedicated to players who turned slights real and imagined into excellence, a select few would be first-balloters.威斯布鲁克这一级别的球员都有着很强的竞争意识,并且傲气十足。如果有一个“恶棍”名人堂的话,有些球员肯定会是第一批入选的。Guys like Jordan. Kobe.比如乔丹、科比。And, absolutely, Russell Westbrook.当然,还有拉塞尔-威斯布鲁克。Thwarting his rightful place as an ASG starter is mind boggling.威斯布鲁克失去了本该属于他的首发位置,这真的令人难以置信。And dumb. So very, very dumb.并且愚蠢。非常,非常愚蠢。So prepare for bedlam. Prepare for a version of angry-Jordan or angry-Kobe if those guys were disrespected -- truly, rather than conjured up by their need to get fired up -- by an entire country of basketball fans.什么是真正的狂暴?想象一下乔丹和科比受到不公正待遇时会有怎样的表现吧,从某种程度上说这是被全国球迷抛弃了。Prepare for the fury. You brought it about, and Westbrook is about to unleash it.做好准备面对怒火燎原的威斯布鲁克吧,我们亲手打开了潘多拉的魔盒。现在,大魔王威斯布鲁克要“危害人间”了。
