美国一个车牌引发的“血案”Should America ban 'offensive' lic

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A licence plate displaying the Confederate flag has sparked a US Supreme Court battle over the right to free speech. Have "novelty" plates gone too far?

Take a road trip across the US - anywhere - and you won't even need to stop or talk to the locals to know exactly what they most care about.

Americans wear their hearts on their bumpers. Colourful licence plates celebrating everything from the Boy Scouts to the soft drink Dr Pepper appear in the rear view mirror.

For outsiders it is fascinating and bizarre to see the range of issues by which the proud motorist separates themselves from the crowd.

Anti-abortion slogans like "Choose Life" compete with "Trees are cool" and "Mighty Fine Burgers".

Goofy personalised registrations like DUUUDE and BOO81ES park side-by-side with sombre memorials to 9/11 victims and cries to save the environment.





But among this odd parade - there is one plate which has provoked a controversy like no other.

The design features the Confederate Flag and the words "Sons of Confederate Veterans 1896".


It was rejected, twice, by the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles, who ruled that "a significant portion of the public" find the flag offensive, due to its historical association with slavery.

"Why should we as Texans want to be reminded of a legalised system of involuntary servitude, dehumanisation, rape, mass murder?" asked state Senator Royce West at a public hearing about the plates in 2011.

This could easily have been the end of the matter - rude and abusive slogans are vetoed every day by the 50 state motoring departments, each of whom has slightly different criteria for acceptability.

But what happened next drove the issue of "novelty" licence plates straight up the highway out of Texas and into the highest court in the land.