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7 Things to Do to Spice Up Your Boring Life


When you feel like your life is getting really boring, you should do all possible things to spice up your life.


1. Create a dream journal


Why not start a dream journal and write up at least one dream every day? When you dream, you imagine the desired reality and experience positive feelings and emotions. Psychologists say that dreaming is a direct line to your desires and passions. I’m sure that everyone, especially big dreamers, have a great amount of dreams and it’s easy to forget about them. I suggest taking a paper and writing up your dreams. Later, you’ll have a list of dreams and desires for you to know what you want and how to reach these goals and cherished ideas.


2. Do at least one extraordinary thing every day


In order to get out of a rut, you should do new things. It will help you shift your mindset and become more confident at the same time. Many people suffer from fear to do extraordinary things and deviate casual routine. If you visit a new grocery store or go to work by bus instead of taking the subway, you will feel new emotions and get new and interesting experience. Start at various hobbies and pastime activities. It will make you a more interesting and all-rounded person. Plus, you will have an opportunity to find new friends and make new and pleasant acquaintances.


3. A difficult conversation should take place


If you suffer from something and you cannot find the moment to face the problem and handle the situation, you will feel bored, burned out and bummed for ages. No matter how uncomfortable it may seem, but you should screw up your courage to have an unpleasant conversation and stand your ground. Concealed negative emotions are like a cancer that kills you from inside slowly. Make it a habit to find an opportunity to tell everything you dislike. Such approach will help you save and improve both your mental and physical well-being.


4. Write a list of gratitude


When you get chronically bored with something, your mind gets used to negative perception of the world. It is necessary to break the chain of negative thoughts by training your mind to notice the best. Just write down 5 things you like every day. This way, your mindset will change for the better in a quite short period of time. The gratitude list will open your eyes to the beauty of the world around you. Focusing on positive moments will develop the sense of gratitude.


5. Ask people you know to name your best qualities


Nowadays people are often depressed because of a boring and busy life. Accordingly, it is easy to lose confidence in your power and abilities. This mental state breeds uncertainty, fears and contradictions in your mind. You feel doubtful that you could change something for better. If you realize that you cannot overcome this state alone, then survey the people who know you well and who can name your best qualities. It’s a great pleasure to hear other people praising you and mentioning your advantages. It will boost your self-esteem and help you feel more confident in no time.


6. Make new friends


Making new friends and communication with interesting people are the best ways to fight boredom. If you don’t know how to meet a new person, you should get involved in activities that may bring you in contact with other like-minded personalities. Depending on your hobbies and preferences you can attend a night club, volunteer organizations or any event that can lead to making new friends. You should remember that lying on the sofa and suffering from boredom and depression can damage your health.


7. Mind your body


When I was bored with something, I usually preferred to relief stress by eating a pan of sponge-cakes. I noticed that it made me feel better, but damaged my body. Consequently, I realized that candies and junk food could play a bad trick with my both mental and physical well-being and I decided to give up this terrible habit. I started to work out in order to rid my mind of negative emotions and thoughts. Now I’m proud of myself because I’ve successfully reached my goal. I want you to know that this annoying habit is a real passion vampire. Try to replace eating junk food by doing your exercise every day.


I hope these ideas will help you rid yourself of passion vampires, which ruin your personality due to the influence of boredom. Try to fill your life with new adventures, emotions and interesting people. What do you usually do to fight boredom? Share your ideas with us, please.
