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The ULTIMATE beards: Gay best friends who decorate their facial hair with glitter, flowers, and even food



Two gay men from Portland have become social media stars thanks to their incredible ability to turn their burly beards into fanciful works of art, before sharing images of their whimsical creations on Instagram.

Brian Delaurenti and Johnathan Dahl, who are known as The Gay Beards on social media, were inspired to start snapping photos of their facial hair last summer, and the best friends decorated their beards with colorful flowers, glitter and tasty treats - including Rice Krispies.
布莱恩·德劳伦蒂和乔纳森·达尔在社交媒体上是出名的“胡子同志”,去年夏天他们突发奇想开始拍摄胡子照。这对好基友用五颜六色的鲜花、闪耀的装饰品和美食(包括Rice Krispies牌脆米花)来装饰他们的胡子。



'One day in July of 2014 we were sitting on the couch, feeling anxiously creative, and we thought why not go take a picture of our beards?' they told TheGroomedManCo. 'We went off exploring, took a couple photos for our newly created Instagram.'
他们在接受TheGroomedManCo. 采访时说:“2014年七月的一天,我们坐在沙发上突发奇想:为什么不拍张胡子照呢?我们开始琢磨,并且注册了一个Instagram账户,上传了几张照片。”

Brian and Johnathan, who have known each other since they were eight yearsold, have weekly creative meetings to discuss their upcoming bear decor, however, they said that 'sometimes things spark ideas for us' - such as their Christmas light beards.



'Depending on what we are putting in our beards, it can take anywhere from 20 minutes all the way up to two hours or more,' they explained of the process.

The duo already have 28,300 followers on Instagram, and many of their photos earn 3,000 likes or more from fans who can't get enough.
这对搭档在Instagram 上的粉丝已经突破了2.83万,很多照片得到了3000个赞甚至更多,粉丝们表示看不够。



Brian and Johnathan celebrated the nationwide legalization of same-sex marriage by turning their beards into rainbows. The image, which shows paint dripping off of their facial hair, was simply captioned: 'Love Always Wins.'

The image received more than 5,000 likes, and many commenters praised Brian and Johnathan for creating such a striking image. 'This is the most beautiful things I've ever seen,' one person wrote, while another added: 'How artistic is this?'



Brian started growing his beard in October of 2013 and coincidentally Johnathan followed suit. And the two men work in creative fields as well. While Brian is a painter and photographer, Johnathan is a musician.

In addition to their Instagram page, they have their own YouTube channel and are currently working on a children's book.

fanciful: 独出心裁的
whimsical: 异想天开的
glitter: 闪耀
décor: 装饰
duo: 搭档
caption: (给图片、漫画等)加以文字说明
