I live in Shenyang City . Near my home there …短文改错及答案



Dear Editor ,

I live in Shenyang City . Near my home there is the famous temple ,   76__________

which was built in the late Ming Dynasty . On the walls of the temple is    77__________

many pictures , which show us how people at that time live. The temple    78__________

is great artistic value . I am worried about it because some of the pictures   79__________

are damaged by air pollution , which comes from human beings .          80__________

Hundred of tourists visit the temple every day . The carbon dioxide    81__________

from their breath is destroyed the pictures . I think one way to solve the     82__________

problem is to put glass walls in front of the pictures . Second , a number    83__________

of visitors should be limited . And we should build a website  where      84__________

people can look at the pictures and the temple there.                    85__________

Yours sincerely ,



76.thea   77.isare   78.livelived   79.ishasis of    80.damaged前加being

81.HundredHundreds    82. destroyed -- destroying   83.athe    84.right    85.去掉there