春运“抢票插件” 英语新闻词汇

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The browsers have plug-ins designed to help people buy tickets at 12306.cn, the Railways Ministry's official ticketing website, and have been popular before the Spring Festival travel rush.


这里的plug-in指a piece of software that can be added to a computer system to give extra features or functions(可添加入计算机系统以实现额外功能的软件),即“插件”。网络游戏中用来作弊的“外挂程序”则叫做tag-on service,指专门针对一个或多个网络游戏,通过改变网络游戏软件的部分程序制作而成的作弊程序(cheating program)。

据称,在春运(Spring Festival travel rush)期间,这些插件可以帮助用户在线买票时cut ahead of others(插队到别人前面),更容易能买到票。不过有人批评称此类插件会让部分人享受unfair advantage(不公待遇),也有人担心使用这些插件会危及privacy security(隐私安全)。