今年流行“半成品年夜饭” 英语词汇学习

编辑:高中作文网 阅读


Lunar New Year's Eve dinner is the most important meal of the Spring Festival. In recent years, more and more Chinese choose to go to a restaurant to have the family reunion dinner in order to avoid the trouble of cooking at home. However, having dinner outside weakens the reunion atmosphere. Beijing's restaurants have come up with a solution by selling semi-finished dinner-to-go.

现代人生活节奏快,于是便有了省时省力的semi-finished Lunar New Year's Eve dinner-to-go(“半成品”年夜饭外卖)。年夜饭的英文表达是Lunar New Year's Eve dinner,也可叫作family reunion dinner(团圆饭)或Spring Festival dinner。
除了年夜饭外卖,今年不少well-established brand-name eateries / time-honored restaurants(老字号餐馆)还推出了Spring Festival goods packages(年货礼盒),买回家后只需simple reheating(简单加热)即可食用。