美国一男子称iPhone抄袭自己20年前创意 索赔100亿美元!

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A Florida man is arguing he created the iPhone and the iPad, and wants Apple to pay him $10 billion for stealing his idea.美国佛罗里达州一名男子日前对苹果公司提起诉讼,要求索赔100亿美元。他宣称,iPhone和iPad都出自他的创意。Thomas Ross, the irate inventor, is suing the tech giant, citing his sketches from 1992 as evidence that he was the revolutionary genius behind the iPhone — not Steve Jobs.这位名为托马斯·罗斯的愤怒的发明者正在对科技巨头苹果公司提起诉讼。他拿出了1992年的手绘图纸,以证明发明iPhone的天才是他自己,而不是史蒂夫·乔布斯。The drawings, which were sketched 15 years before the iPhone's debut in 2007, bear some resemblance to Apple's device; it's a rectangle with a screen on it. By those standards, Ross could have also claimed to have invented the Kindle, the personal digital assistant and the Nintendo DS.这些图纸是在15年前绘制的,早于2007年问世的iPhone。图纸上的矩形设备带有一个屏幕,和苹果公司的产品有些相似。按照这些标准,罗斯也可以声称自己发明了Kindle,个人数据辅助装置和任天堂DS游戏机。

Ross pitched these as "electronic reading devices" in his 1992 patent request, which was abandoned in 1995 after he failed to pay the application fee.1992年,罗斯在专利申请书上写的是"电子阅读设备"。1995年,由于未能支付申请费用,这一专利申请被声明放弃。"The device, constituting the invention, is a computerized, electronic reading device, the purpose of which is to provide an alternative to paper-based print-media such as books, magazines, manuscripts and news media," Ross wrote in his patent request."该发明是一款用电脑处理的电子阅读设备,其目的在于取代书籍、杂志、手稿和新闻媒体等纸质印刷媒体,"罗斯在专利申请书中写道。The lawsuit, uncovered by MacRumors, claimed his idea was the original. He's demanding Apple destroy all "copies and knock-offs" that the company created.罗斯在知名苹果论坛MacRumors上提出诉讼,声称自己是最初发明者,要求苹果公司销毁该公司所有的"复制品和仿制品"。In March 2015, Ross sent a cease and desist demand to Apple CEO Tim Cook, claiming the company has been stealing his design.2015年3月,罗斯曾给苹果公司首席执行官蒂姆·库克发了一份终止要求,声称苹果公司一直在盗取自己的设计成果。Apple's lawyer reached back to Ross' attorney and said the company was "confused" about his claims, according to court documents. "Any pursuit of claims against Apple in light of these facts would be baseless and objectively unreasonable," Apple legal counsel Jeffrey Lasker wrote in response.根据法庭文件显示,苹果公司的律师回复罗斯的律师称,苹果公司对他的索赔要求困惑不已。苹果公司的法律顾问杰弗里·拉斯科在回应中写道:"这些针对苹果公司的索赔证据毫无根据,完全不切实际"。Ross claims Apple has caused him "great and irreparable injury that cannot fully be compensated or measured in money," and is asking for more than $10 billion in the lawsuit, as well as 1.5% of all Apple's sales as part of his royalties.罗斯声称,苹果公司对自己造成了"无法挽回的巨大伤害,这种伤害是无法用金钱来赔偿和衡量的"。他要求苹果公司索赔100亿美元,并在未来的销售收入中分成1.5%。