中国品牌进军澳大利亚 华为老干妈强势登陆

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While Australian products in China are known for being "clean and green," a growing number of Chinese companies are heading Down Under to try their luck in the Australian marketplace.随着澳大利亚的产品因“清洁和绿色”而在中国众所周知,越来越多的中国企业正前往澳大利亚,想在该国市场碰碰运气。Several Chinese technology, white good and food companies have descended into the Australian market in recent times.多家中国科技、白色家电和食品企业已于近期进入澳大利亚市场。Justin Steele, founder of consultancy firm China Ready Now, told Xinhua recently that many Australians enjoy Chinese brands and products that they don't even know are made in China.咨询公司“China Ready Now”的创始人贾斯汀·斯蒂尔日前接受《新华社》采访时表示,许多澳大利亚人喜欢中国的品牌和产品,不过他们甚至不知道这是由中国制造的。

"Whitegoods brands like Haier. They make washing machines, dryers and fridges," Steele said. "Lenovo is a Chinese brand of laptop which Australians might have at home or work."斯蒂尔说道:“像海尔这样的白色家电品牌,他们主要生产洗衣机、烘干机、冰箱。联想是一家中国的笔记本电脑品牌,澳大利亚人可能在家里或工作中使用到它。”He noted that technology company Huawei has targeted several foreign markets, advertising their smart phones and watches.他指出,科技公司华为已经瞄准了几个外国市场,将为他们的智能手机和手表打广告。Australian technology commentator Trevor Long said that Chinese technology companies are having a big, but slow effect on the Australian market.澳大利亚科技评论员特雷弗·朗表示,中国科技公司正对澳大利亚市场产生缓慢却重大的影响。"It reminds me of the South Korean car industry from 25 years ago, it was a very slow start for people to build trust with new brands," Long said. "Australians are very loyal to brands that they know and use."朗说道:“这让我想起了25年前的韩国汽车产业。让人们建立对新品牌的信任,这开展起来会非常缓慢。澳大利亚人对他们知道和使用的品牌非常信任。”Chris Miller from car website said that Chinese car brands are slowly making an impact on the Australian automotive market. He noted Chinese car brand Great Wall as making some inroads in the commercial car sector.来自汽车网站"车轮背后"的克里斯·米勒称,中国汽车品牌正慢慢地影响着澳大利亚的汽车市场。他指出,中国汽车品牌长城正在打入商务车领域。Chinese food is one of the greatest exports to come out of China. In Australia's two largest supermarkets, Woolworths and Coles, an aisle dedicated to Asian groceries can be found in nearly every store. Products from China popular with shoppers include Pearl River Bridge's range of soy sauces and Lao Gan Ma's Hot Chili Oil.此外,在澳大利亚最大的两家超市伍尔沃斯和科尔斯,几乎每一家门店里都可以找到专门摆放亚洲食品的货架过道。珠江桥酱油、老干妈辣椒油等中国产品颇受顾客的欢迎。