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Introduction:One of my favorite outfits to wear is a beautiful Chinese blouse and black skirt. Even though I am not Chinese, I like to dress like my Chinese friends. That reminds me of our Bible verse today, for even though we are not Jesus, we should be clothed like Him!Presentation:I Peter 5:5 says, " clothed with humility; for God resists the proud, and gives grace to the humble."

我最喜欢穿的衣服就是一件漂亮的中式衬衣和黑裙子.尽管我不是中国人, 但我喜欢穿的象我的中国朋友一样.这提醒了我今天的圣经经节, 尽管我们不是耶稣, 我们应当象耶稣一样!提示:彼得前书5:5说:" .....你们众人也都要以谦卑束腰,彼此顺服,因为神阻挡骄傲的人,赐恩给谦卑的人。”

Explanation:Humility is when you brag on God and not yourself. It's also when you depend on God and not yourself. What are the two opposite words in this verse?Did you guess "proud" and "humble?" "Resist" means that God is against the person who is proud. "Grace" means the wonderful blessings, help, and joy that only God can give.


Application:Peter is writing this verse to believers in Jesus. If you have believed on the Lord Jesus, God wants you to inspect your clothing! Yes, you may have on your school uniform right now, or some play clothes, but do you have your humility clothes on?You don't go to your clothes closet and find your humility clothes, you have to pray and ask God to put them on you!


If you have never believed on the Lord Jesus, won't you put aside that pride that says, "I don't need Jesus to save me." It takes humility to admit you need the Lord Jesus and be willing to ask Him to save you. Will you humble yourself and go now to "How to Be a Child of God?"   Repetition:Can you read your verse three times without stopping?Then try to say it without looking! Say it four times. And every day this week as you get dressed in the morning, could you say that verse and ask God to clothe you with His humility?

如果你还没有相信主耶稣,为什么不放下“我不需要耶稣救我”的骄傲。你需要谦卑来认识到你对耶稣的需要,来求耶稣救你。你会谦卑自己,现在去看看“如何成为神的孩子”吗?  重复:你能不停歇地把今天的经节读三遍吗?然后不用看就说出来!说四遍。这一周的每一天,在你早晨穿衣服时,你能说一遍这一节并求神为你穿戴谦卑吗?

And let's sing our (CEF) "power" song to remember where we get true humility!Well, I need power for the hour and the need of the day, Power for the hour and the need of the day (2)Power, power, power, power, power to stayYou know this power doesn't come from thinkingI'm strong inside.This power doesn't come from "I can do it!" self-pride.This power comes from Jesus and His Spirit inside,  Power, power, power, power, power so wide!(Sing first 3 lines again)
