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A private university in the eastern Chinese city of Qingdao has made national headlines for banning public intimacy between student lovers as part of its controversial code of conduct.近日,中国东部山东省青岛市的一所民办大学明令禁止情侣在公开场合有任何亲密行为,随后这一规定迅速登上了国内新闻头条。Qingdao Binhai University, founded as a private vocational college in 1992, has named and shamed students said to break school rules, detailing their private information as well as unapproved behavior such as holding hands and hugging in public.青岛滨海学院始建于1992年,是一所民办高校。该学校经常点名通报一些触犯校规校纪的同学,并公布其相关私人信息及诸如情侣在公开场合牵手、拥抱等学校不提倡的行为。A student told Beijing Times that males can't publically help carry bags for females and lovers can't share one tray at the canteen or an earphone.一位同学在接受《新京报》采访时表示,男生不能在公开场合帮助女生拎手提包,男女之间禁止共用一个餐盘或耳机等。

Another student, who wanted to remain anonymous, said he received a "serious warning" from the university after a teacher caught him holding hands with his girlfriend. The student was required to clean a "dirty, outdated" toilet as punishment.另外一名不愿透露姓名的同学表示,自己因被老师看到和女朋友在校园手拉手而受到学校“严重警告”处分,还被要求去清理又脏又老式的厕所,以示惩戒。"I can't even give her a hand on campus if she is ill," said the student.该同学还提到:“在学校,就算是我女朋友病了,我都不能去照顾她。”Some reported that there are no sanitation workers at the university and students found to violate disciplinary rules are often sent to clean toilets.有些新闻还报道,由于该校没有清洁工人,校方经常惩罚那些违反校规的同学去清洁厕所。The university also has strict requirements on personal appearance, banning male students from dying their hair without good reasons.与此同时,该校还对学生的个人仪表有严格规定,禁止男生无正当理由染发。A manager in charge of student affairs said the university placed strict requirements on students from the day of its opening.学校教务处主任表示,学校自建校第一天开始就制定了一系列严格的规定和要求。He also said the university neither advocates nor bans student relationships but demands "students mind manners".他表示,学校既不提倡也不反对学生谈恋爱,但行为举止必须符合规范。He admitted that the university employs no sanitation workers, but not for financial reasons, adding that students can form good habits of cleanliness by cleaning toilet.此外,他也承认学校确实没有雇佣清洁工人,但是这并不是由于资金方面的原因,只是希望学生通过清洁厕所来养成爱清洁的好习惯。