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Earlier this week, the news reported that a man in China got rejected after proposing to his girlfriend with 99 iPhone 6s. While most of us haven’t experienced the misfortune of being turned down in public (and losing almost $100,000 in the process), being rejected by someone we really like feels epically bad each time, regardless of the circumstances.  One minute you’re riding high on the tides of hope, and the next, you’re floundering beneath the weight of disappointment. It’s a complicated process. In fact, it goes something like this:
这周的早些时候,新闻报道中国一个男孩用99部iPhone 6s向他女友表白但遭到拒绝。尽管我们没遭过当众被拒的不幸(期间几乎失去10万美元),被我们真的喜欢的人拒绝每次都感觉很史诗般的糟糕,不考虑环境。你刚在希望的顶尖待一分钟,接下来,你在失望的海水重量之下挣扎。那是一个复杂的过程。实际上,原因像这样:

Stage 1, Denial: “Is this a joke?”


We’ve all seen those romantic comedies where girl jokingly responds “Umm….let me think about it,” after the guy proposes, only to say, “OF COURSE, YOU IDIOT” after his jaw drops to the floor.


Yeah, that’s probably what’s happening here.


Stage 2, Panic: “WHAT DO I DO, WHAT DO I DO”


You’ve just made your intentions known, but it looks like the object of your affection ain’t feeling it. Should you ask why? Should you make a case for yourself? Should you scream “APRIL FOOL’S” and run away? For now, all you can do is mouth a half-hearted “oh” as they  stammer out an apology.


Stage 3, Anger: “HOW COULD YOU?”


Now you’re pissed. How could this happen? How could you plan for so long, only to be rejected? Your friends all say you’re a catch. How could this person not see how awesome you would be together? WHY, CRUEL WORLD? WHY?


Stage 4, Paranoia: “Is everyone laughing at me?”


Well, great. They’ve probably told their friends what happened, and now all of them are reveling in the hilarity of your botched confession. Why did that person reject you, anyway? Do they have someone else? You badger your friends for the inside scoop on this person, while obsessing over their Facebook account to see if there’s something you missed. Maybe this was all a big mistake and they really do like you, but would feel bad ending their long-term relationship! Right? Right?
