Signs You Will be Highly Successful and You Simply Don’t Re(2)

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Then there are those that have a burning desire to constantly improve, learn new things, pick up new skills and sacrifice some fun and enjoyment now, so that they can be happier in the future.

The latter group is the one that keeps improving year after year, getting things done one step at a time.

6. You don’t feel awkward about asking for advice
There is a funny cliché about men being too proud to ask for directions. It might be my free-spirited European upbringing talking here, but anyone who is lost and clueless, yet thinks that asking for help is a sign of weakness, is a complete moron.

I understand that there are some fairly frail egos, but those who aren’t afraid to ask for help and advice will overcome obstacles much quicker, gain plenty of useful insight, and will be able to apply what they have learned in the future. A false sense of pride will ensure that you never make any serious progress.

7. You are assertive and confident

You may not think much about your generally positive attitude towards life, or the fact that you are fairly pleased with yourself and your current situation, but believe me, confidence is a real game changer.

All it takes to stay motivated and focus on your goals is to believe in yourself. If you don’t downplay your capabilities, don’t let others push you around and aren’t afraid to speak up or pounce when a good opportunity presents itself, then you have what it takes to become fairly successful.

8. You see failure as a teaching tool and source of motivation
The problem most people fall into is that they allow themselves to be easily defeated. Of course, we all screw up from time to time, and even fail miserably when attempting new things, but that’s no reason to start shouting obscenities while waving your fist at the sky and then give up all hope.

Those who use failure to fuel their desire to become better, and manage to learn from all the mistakes they make along the way, these are the people who go on to achieve greatness.

9. You can stay calm and logical during stressful situations

Have you ever felt that others have a tendency to get a little too heated up about small things? Do you have trouble understanding how some people can allow themselves to go red in the face and start taking everything personally? Well, then you are one of the few people who can manage to keep their emotions in check during serious discussions, emergencies and other stressful situations.

10. You look out for your people
The traits that often get associated with alpha personalities, i.e. natural leaders, are confidence and fearlessness, but people often forget about the most important alpha character trait – empathy.

Yes, you heard that right. If someone is to be a good leader they need to be able to provide for the group, to make sure that everyone gets what they need to feel safe and contempt.

It requires compromise, communications skills, quick thinking and some tough decisions, but a leader always tries to keep his people reasonably happy. If you only look out for yourself, you won’t get too far, or you’ll fall as quickly as you have risen.

If you are showing some of these signs, you might very well have a few dormant talents that will allow you to reach some of your biggest goals, if you can learn to harness their power. It will still take plenty of time and work, probably even some luck, but you definitely have an upper hand if you are already exhibiting some positive traits.