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Indeed, he confesses to having “a sort of crush” on his creation, and answers “No” a bit too quickly when I ask whether we should assume that Nathan, who lives alone in his glass house with his android Galateas, has had sex with Ava.
Does that notion make him jealous?
“Maybe,” he concedes. “That’s not an unreasonable thing to say.”
Asked if he would want a sex robot, the married father of two replies: “Could I imagine falling in love with a robot that was sentient and attractive to me? Well, sure, I could. But do I want a complicated version of a vibrator? No, I don’t. Some people might. I’m not judgmental about it.”
I ask if the movie will enhance the fear of some women that guys are more into the porn stars on their phones than the girls on their arms.
“The thing we desire and think we can’t have we can now shape exactly to the specification of how we want it,” he says. “There’s something incredibly scary about how unstoppable it feels.”
“Ex Machina” arrives in theaters amid a raft of stories about the swift advance in robotics, with everything from investment-banker bots that make stock picks to blueprints for spider-shaped bots that can potentially spy or assassinate.
Some visionaries — Stephen Hawking, Elon Musk and Steve Wozniak — warn that humans will be superseded by robots, who will soon be smart enough to redesign themselves to become exponentially smarter.
一些有远见的人物——史蒂芬·霍金(Stephen Hawking)、埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)、史蒂夫·沃兹尼亚克(Steve Wozniak)——曾警告我们,人类会被机器人取代,它们很快将具备重新设计自己的智力,进而以惊人的速度变得越来越聪明。
“Will we be the family pets?” Wozniak fretted to The Australian Financial Review.
“我们会不会成为家养的宠物呢?”沃兹尼亚克忧心忡忡地对《澳大利亚金融评论报》(Australian Financial Review)说。
Garland is not alarmed because he views robot superiority as inevitable. He suggests that we view androids not as our competitors but as our progeny — or “mind children,” as robotics expert Hans Moravec, who believes they will be their own species, calls them.
加兰不为所动,因为在他看来机器人取得优势地位是不可逆转的趋势。他建议我们不要把机器人当作竞争对手,而是当成我们的后代——或者如机器人专家汉斯·莫拉维克(Hans Moravec)所说,是我们的“头脑子女”(mind children),他认为机器人会成为一个独立的物种。
Garland talks about all the things, including government programs, that would run more smoothly with an A.I. in charge. Can he can envision an A.I. president, even more sleek and less emotive than the one we have now?