百万金婴/百万宝贝 Million Dollar Baby 在线观看 英语剧情介绍




导演:克林特·伊斯特伍德(Clint Eastwood)
主演:希拉里·斯万科(Hilary Swank)
克林特·伊斯特伍德(Clint Eastwood)
摩根·弗里曼(Morgan Freeman)
杰伊·巴鲁切尔(Jay Baruchel)
克里斯汀娜·考克斯(Christina Cox)
出品:华纳兄弟(Warner Brothers)


影片根据美国作家FX·奥图尔的小说集《红粉拳手:角落的故事》中的两篇短故事改编。弗兰克·杜恩(克林特·伊斯特伍德 饰)是一位退休的职业拳击手,他和一位同行埃迪(摩根·弗里曼 饰)在洛杉矶共同开了一座体育馆,以延续他们对这项运动的热爱。在过去的23年里, 弗兰克的生活重心就是练拳。为此,女儿逐渐疏远他,连他每周寄去的信都被原封不动地退回。这件事让他非常烦恼,因此在很长一段时间里,他都不愿与别人接近。

直到有一天,当玛吉·菲茨杰拉德(希拉里·斯万科 饰)走进体育馆后,一切都不同了。玛吉是个餐馆女侍应,看着自己离30岁越来越近却一事无成,于是她下定决心追求多年来的梦想。玛吉找到弗兰克,恳请他把自己训练成为一个拥有坚定意志、蕴藏巨大爆发力的职业拳击手。但弗兰克拒绝了她,因为她是女人,而且30岁是退役的年龄。



Margaret Fitzgerald (Hilary Swank), a waitress from a Missouri town in the Ozarks, shows up in the Hit Pit, a run-down Los Angeles gym owned and operated by Frankie Dunn (Clint Eastwood), a brilliant but only marginally successful boxing trainer. Maggie asks Dunn to train her, but he angrily responds that he "doesn't train girls."

Maggie attempts to win Frankie over by working out tirelessly each day in his gym, even when others discourage her. Eddie "Scrap-Iron" Dupris (Morgan Freeman), Frankie's friend and employee, encourages and helps her all he can. "Scrap" also narrates the story.

Frankie's prize prospect, "Big" Willie Little, reluctantly signs with successful manager Mickey Mack after becoming impatient with Dunn turning down offers for a championship bout. With prodding from Scrap and impressed with her persistence, Frankie reluctantly agrees to train Maggie. He warns her that he will teach her only the basics and then find her a manager. His most important advice is to protect herself in the ring at all times.

Before her first fight, Frankie leaves her with another manager, much to her dismay, but rejoins her in the middle of the bout, and coaches her to victory. Maggie makes him promise not to abandon her again. Maggie turns out to be a natural. She fights her way up in the women's welterweight boxing division, winning many of her bouts with first-round knockouts. Estranged from his own daughter, who returns his letters unopened, Frankie comes to establish an almost paternal bond with Maggie. Dupris becomes concerned when Frankie rejects several offers for big fights, though, and arranges a meeting for her with Mickey Mack, but she is loyal to Frankie, and is rewarded for her loyalty when he begrudgingly accepts a fight for her against a top-ranked opponent in the UK. He bestows a Gaelic nickname on her, which energizes the crowd, and the two travel Europe as she continues to win.