Ice Age Ⅲ 冰河世纪3中英台词


Ice Age
看电影学英语 Ice Age 3: Dawn of the Dinosaurs  《冰河世纪:恐龙的黎明》 -Manny: its happening!快了快了!-Sid: Wait up guys!wait up: 停下来等候 Guy: 家伙 大家等等我啊。
-Manny: The baby is coming! The baby is coming! I'm having a baby.have a baby: 生孩子宝宝要生了!我要当爸爸了!
-Crash: Code blue, code blue, Or pink if it's a girlcode blue: 紧急救命蓝色警报,蓝色警报了,要是女孩就是粉色。
-Manny: Coming up baby! Coming up baby! I'm coming, Ellie!come up: 出现生宝宝了!生宝宝了!Ellie,我来了!
-Crash: We got it.get it: 理解瞧我们的。
-Manny: Ellie, Ellie, Where are you, Where am I ? Manny!EllieEllie,你在哪,我这是到哪儿了?Manny-Ellie: Manny,I told you! It was just a kick.kick: Manny,我说过了,只是宝宝踢了一下而已-Manny: Ohh right! Right, oh wow.哦,对啊!对啊,哈哈。
Ohh you really gave daddy a scare! Daddy got silly.scare: 惊吓 silly: 愚蠢的你可真把你老爸吓死了!瞧老爸傻的。
Daddy fall down cliff and go, boom, boom, boom. Silly daddy. fall down: 落下 cliff: 悬崖 boom: 隆隆声老爸我从悬崖上溜下来然后就嘣,嘣,嘣!傻老爸。
Sorry, folks. False alarm. It was just a kick.folks: 人们 false: 错误的 alarm: 警报抱歉了,各位,虚惊一场,宝宝只是提了一下。
-Man: Do you know who I want to kick? 你知道我想踢谁嘛?
Woman: That's the third false alarm this week.你这周都已经""了三次了。
-Sid: All right shows over... break it up, break it up!break up: 结束好了,没啥好看的,都散了吧,散了吧!Oh I see someone else who has a bun in the oven?have a bun in the oven: 怀孕哦~瞧瞧谁的小肚子也有小宝宝了。
-Woman: I'm not pregnant!pregnant: 怀孕的我没""-Sid: Too bad, you'd make a wonderful mother.wonderful: 极好的真可惜,你会是个好妈妈的。
-Ellie: Manny I know your excited, I am too, but your getting a little carried away.excited: 兴奋的 be carried away: 十分激动Manny,我知道你很高兴,我也是可你这样也有点太激动。
-Manny: Okay, okay, Boy, your starting to sound like Diego.sound like: 听起来像好了,好了,听你这口气越来越像Diego了。
Wait a second... Where is Diego?wait a second: 稍等一会儿等等…Diego哪去了?
-Man: My hooves are burning, baby! They are burning!hoof: 蹄脚 burning: 燃烧我可是蹄下生风啊,宝贝儿!蹄下生风!Oh, look at this; I got to tip-Toe! I got to tip-Toe! Eat my dust, dingo!tip-toe: 踮起脚 dust: 灰尘哦,瞧这儿啊,我踮脚跑,我踮脚跑!你就吃灰去吧,哈哈!