Ice Age Ⅲ 冰河世纪3中英台词(7)


疯狂的哇,太炫了!-Audience: Stop! Stop! Stop!停下,停下!-Jonny’ mother: Hold on, Little Johnny!hold on: 坚持坚持住,小强强!-Jonny: I'm trying!我在坚持!-Sid: You know, experts say that you should let the kids eat whatever they 专家知道不,专家说过,孩子想吃什么,就该让他吃什么。
-Ellie: Do you think my ankles look fat? ankle: 你觉得我脚脖子粗吗? -Manny: Ankles. what ankles?脚脖子,在哪里?
-Manny: Ronald, Where did you come from?Ronald,你从哪飞来的?
Oh No!!哦,不!-Sid: Okay come on spit him out! If you don't spit out, Little Johnny,come on: 别这样 spit out: 吐出好了,快点,吐出来!你要是不把小强吐出来。
We're leaving the playground this instantly, one...instantly: 立刻地我就带你走了,立马带走。
...two .. Don't make me say three.2…可别逼我数3哦。
there We are, a picture of health.picture: 景象 health: 健康这不出来了,活蹦乱跳的。
-Johnny’s mother: That's not little Johnny.他不是小强。
-Sid: Well better than nothing. 有总比没有强嘛。
-Madison’s mother: Madison!Madison-Sid: Come on, barf him up!barf: 吐出来快点,吐出来。
-Manny: Sid!Sid-Sid: Hello, Manny. ,Manny-Johnny’s mother: Little Johnny!Johnny-Manny: Oh wait... No! No!哦,别不要啊!-Sid: Oh I'm really sorry.真对不起。
-Crash: This place is totalled. And we didn't reck it. We're losing our touch bro!total: 总共 reck: 相干 lose one’s touch: 失去能力这地儿全毁了,可跟我没不相干,咱们没机会破处(女地)了!-Sid: The important thing is that no one got hurt. Except for that guy.except: 除外最重要的是,没人受伤,除了这个。
And, and those three... and her.那三个还有她。
-Manny: I told you to take them back, and you kept them! Now look what they've done.我让你把他们带回去可你却留着!看看现在这团糟!-Sid: Okay granted, We do have some discipline issues.granted: 即使 discipline: 纪律 issues: 问题 好吧,我同意,他们是有点不听话。
-Manny: Eating kids is not a discipline issue.吃人家小孩可不止是不听话。
-Sid: But he spit them out! 可他也吐出来了啊!-Manny: Well that's super, lets give him a gold star!gold star: 金星奖章那真了不起啊,再给他发奖章吧!They don't belong here, Sid. Whatever they are wherever you found them, take them back.belong: 属于他们不属于这里,Sid 我不管他们是什么,也不管从哪儿来,你给我送回去。
-Sid: Manny, I'm not getting rid of my kids!get rid of: