Ice Age Ⅲ 冰河世纪3中英台词(2)


-Ellie: Huh, can I look now? 现在能睁眼了嘛? Manny: Easy, don't freak out the baby.freak out: 吓坏了别太激动哦,小心伤着孩子。
-Ellie: The baby is fine. It's the freaked out daddy I'm worried about.worry about: 担心孩子好得很,我现在倒是担心他老爸。
-Manny: Ah-Uh-Uh, No peeking.peek: 偷看嘿,别偷看。
Voila! Playground for junior...voila: playground: 操场 junior:少年瞧!游乐场在此
-Ellie:Ohh wow!哇!It's amazing.amazing: 令人惊异的太美了。
Ohh Manny... manny…
-Manny: I made it myself, our family.这是我做的,我们全家。
-Sid: Hey why aren't I up there?为什么这上头没我的份?
-Crash: you can be on ours. You'd fit right in. fit in: 适合你可以上我们这得全家福,肯定很合适。
-Sid: Thanks!谢谢。
-Manny: Of course it's still work in progress. Few rough edges, here and progress: 在进行中 rough: 粗糙的 edge: 边缘 here and there: 到处当然了,这工程还没完工还有些边边角角要处理。
-Ellie: I don't believe it, your trying to baby proof nature.proof: 验证 nature: 自然界 真不敢相信,你这是要给孩子另造一个天地。
-Manny: Baby proof nature? Get outta here.get outta here: 离开另造一个?哪有。
That's ridiculous.ridiculous: 荒谬的那也太扯了。
-Ellie: Manny, this is the world our baby's gonna grow up in. You can't change that.grow up: 长大Manny,我们的孩子以后肯定会在这里生活,你可改变不了冰川世纪。
-Manny: Of course I can, I'm the biggest thing on earth.on earth: 在世界上我当然可以,谁让我是地球上个儿最大的呢。
-Ellie: Okay big daddy, I can't wait to see, how you handle the teen years.can’t wait to: 等不及要 handle: 处理 teen: 年轻人好吧,大块头老爹,我真想看看你能怎么应付小娃娃。
-Manny: Come on, Sid. I don't want you touching anything. This place is for kids.touch: 接触跟上,Sid,别乱碰东西这地方是给孩子们玩的。
Are you a kid? Don't answer that.你是小孩吗?不用答了。
Diego, there you are. You missed the big surprise.surprise: 惊奇Diego,原来你在这啊刚刚你可错过了一份大惊喜。
-Diego: I'll check it out later. check it out: 仔细讨论是嘛,我待会再看吧。
-Manny: Okay, see ya.Ya: =you仅用于口语好嘞,回见。
-Ellie: You know, I think there's something bothering, Diego.bother: 烦扰我觉得,Diego好像有心事。
-Manny: No, I'm sure everything's fine.怎么会,肯定没事的啦。
-Ellie: you should talk to him. 你该去和他聊聊。