Ice Age Ⅲ 冰河世纪3中英台词2


Ellie: How Do you think I feel?那你知道我现在怎么想吗?
-Buck: Take cover!take cover: 找掩护 cover: 掩护找好掩护!-Crash: Dude, you're awesome! You're like the brother I never had!awesome: 十分尊敬的老大,太崇拜你了!你就是我亲哥哥!-Eddie: Me too.我也这么觉得!Can we keep him?我们能收下他吗?
-Buck: Buck. Buck.-Manny: What?啥?
-Buck: The name's Buck. Short for, Buck-Minster.short for: 的缩略我叫Buck,是" Buck-Minster "的简称。
Long for, buh!"吧!"的全称。
A little dull.dull: 迟钝的有点钝了。
what are you doing here? 你们来这干什么? -Ellie: our friend was taken by a dinosaur.我们一朋友被恐龙抓了。
-Buck: Well, his dead. Welcome to my world. Now, uh, go home.是嘛,他挂了,欢迎来到我的世界,然后,嗯,回家去吧。
Off you pop! pop off: 走开就不送了! -Ellie: Not without, Sid.不找到Sid,我们就不走。
-Manny: Ellie wait, maybe the deranged hermit has a point.deranged: 疯狂的 hermit: 隐士 have a point:: 有道理Ellie,等等,或许这个秀逗家伙说的有理。
-Ellie: Manny! We came this far, we're gonna find him. Manny!我们都走了这么远了,一定能找到他的。
-Diego: I got tracks.track: 踪迹我发现线索了。
-Ellie: Let's go.走吧。
-Buck: If you go in there, you'll find your friend... in the AFTER-LIFE!after-life: 晚年如果你们进去了,等找到朋友就已经是下辈子的事了!-Crash: How do you know? Oh great and wisely, weasely one.wise: 明智的 wease: 黄鼠狼你怎么知道?这位伟大智慧的黄鼠狼。
-Buck: Mummy dinosaur carrying three babies, and some floppy green thing?floppy: 软软的恐龙妈妈叼着三只小恐龙还有一个软绵绵的绿东西?
-Manny: Yeah, we're friends with the floppy green thing. 对啊,那个软绵绵的绿东西就是我们朋友。
-Diego: you got all That from the tracks?你光看脚印就知道这么多?
-Buck: No, not really. I saw 'em come through here earlier. She's headed for Lava Falls.head for: 方向走去 lava: 熔岩错,我之前看到他们经过,她往"熔岩瀑布"去了。
That's where they care, for the newborns.newborn: 新生儿他们在那养小恐龙。
To get there! You got to go through the jungle of misery.jungle: 丛林 misery: 悲惨要想到那儿,你就得穿过"悲惨森林"
Across the chasm of death.chasm: 峡谷横渡"死亡峡谷"
To the plates of wow. 直抵"惊呼之地"
-Crash,Eddie: Wow!!!哇!!!-Manny: Okay! Good luck with the slow decadence to madness, we're gonna go now.decadence: 颓废 mad: 发疯的好了,你就自己慢慢疯吧,好运,我们走了!-Buck: Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa! Whoa! What, you-You think this is some sort of tropical getaway?sort: 种类 tropical: 热带的 getaway: 旅游嘿,嘿,嘿!你以为你们是来热带旅游吗?
You can't protect your mate! Mate!protect: 保护 mate: 妻子,老兄你根本保护不了你老婆!老兄!What are you gonna do with those-Those flimsy tusks..?flimsy: 脆弱的 tusk: 牙你能干什么,嗯?就靠这些脆生生的小象牙?
When you run into the beast?run into: 撞上 beast: 野兽你要是碰上那头怪物呢,怎么办?
I call him "Rudy".我叫他"Rudy"-Manny: Oh good. Good. I was worried it was something intimidating, like, Sheldon or Tim.intimidating: 给人以威胁的哦,就这样啊,我还以为会更吓人点,比如"小强""小黄"之类的。
-Eddie: Wait! You mean there's something *bigger* than Mommy Dinosaur..?等等!你是说,有什么东西比母恐龙还大?
-Buck: Aye!正是!-Crash: Aye? 真的?
Buck: Aye! Aye!正是!He's the one that gave me *this* 我的这个,就是拜他所赐。
-Crash: Whoa. he gave you that patch?patch: 眼罩哇,这个眼罩是他给的?
-Eddie: For free? That's so cool. 免费的?太酷了!-Crash: Yeah, maybe he'll give *us* one, too!说不定,他也会送给我们一对!-Manny: Welcome to my world.欢迎来到我的世界。
-Buck: Abandon all hope, he who enters there! abandon: 放弃 enter: 进入擅闯禁地者,全无希望! -Manny: Alright We Get it.好了,知道了。
Doom and despair. Yadda, yadda, yadda.doom: 命运 despair: 绝望唯有厄运与绝望相伴
-Crash: Sounds like a jungle of misery to me.听起来,还真是个"悲惨森林"-Ellie: Hold on.hold on: 等会儿等下。
-Manny: Why, what's wrong? Peaches?怎么了,出什么事了,是来"桃子"了吗?
-Ellie: No, it's just I got a funny feelingfunny: 古怪的不是,我只是觉得有点怪怪的。
-Manny: You're hungry. Low blood sugar!hungry: 饥饿的 blood: 血液 sugar: 糖你饿了吧,哦,低血糖!There's some fruit.那儿有果子。
-Ellie: No, Manny!Manny,别去! -Diego: I wouldn't do that, if I were you.我要是你