Ice Age Ⅲ 冰河世纪3中英台词2(2)


This isn't exactly your playground. exactly: 完全地 playground: 活动场所这里可不是你熟悉的地盘。
-Manny: Like I'm going to be afraid of a pretty afraid of: 害怕 pretty: 漂亮的说得好像我会怕小花小草似的。
-Diego: Bet you didn't see that coming?  bet: 打赌你刚才可没料到这个吧? -Ellie: Manny?Manny
-Diego: For the record, I blame you for this.blame: 责备郑重申明,这全都怪你。
-Crash: Stop eating our friends, plant!plant: 植物不准吃我们的朋友,大花怪!-Ellie: That's it, I'm tearing it up, from the roots.Tear up: 撕毁 root: 根够了,我要把你连根拔起。
-Buck: Do that and it'll clamp-Shut forever.clamp: 夹紧 shut: 合拢的要这么干,花瓣就会一直合着。
-Buck: Alright, preggers. Don't get your trunk in a knot.pregger: 怀孕的 trunk: 象鼻 in a knot: (结成)一个结好了,孕妇同志别吓的鼻子都打结。
I'll have them out of there before they're digested. digest: 消化  我来把他们弄出来,乘还没被消化。
They'll be nothing but bones in 3 minutes.bone: 骨骼过个三分钟,他们除了骨头可就什么都不剩了。
Well maybe 5 for the fat one! 那个胖的可能得五分钟。
-Manny: I'm not fat!我不胖!-Diego: I feel tingly.tingly: 兴奋我怎么觉得有点酥麻啊。
-Manny: Don't say that, when your pressed up against 紧贴别说这种话,你还贴着我呢。
-Diego: Not That kind of tingly. 不是那种酥麻。
-Manny: I can feel it too. ,我也酥麻了。
-Manny: Help, someone help us!救命,来人啊!-Ellie: Hurry!快!-Buck: It's time to get... Buck wild.wild: 非凡的看我Buck的手段!-Manny: Who's fat now?现在知道谁胖了?
-Ellie: No!不要!-Buck: Tourists. 一群观光客。
-Eddie: Puked on by a plant. Awesome!puke: 呕吐 awesome: 真了不起被朵花吐了,太炫了!-Ellie: say something.快说话呀。
-Manny: Thank's for saving 解救谢谢你救了我们。
-Ellie: will you help us find the floppy green thing? floggy: 软软的你能帮我们找那个"软绵绵的绿东西"吗? -Manny: That's not necessary.necessary: 必要的我们用不着。
-Ellie: Yes it is.我们需要。
-Buck: Alright I'll help ya. But I got rules. Rule number one:Ya: (=you) rule: 规则好吧,我帮你,可我有规矩,第一:
Always listen to Buck. Rule number two:永远服从Buck,第二:
Stay in the middle of the trail. Rule number three:走路只走路中间,第三:
He who has gas, travels at the back of the pack.gas: 气体 travel: 行进 pack: 一群爱放屁的,自觉到队尾去。
Come on then, chop, chop! chop: 插入好了,都插进去。
-Manny: We should all have our heads examined.examine: 检查我们真该去查查自己还正不正常。
-Buck: That's rule number four. Now, let's go find your friend.那是第四条现在,去找你朋友先。
-Sid: Oh it's okay, it's okay. Don't worry, we're gonna be fine.哦,好了,好了,别担心,我们都会没事的。
Please swing a little more to...?swing: 摇摆麻烦能不能晃得轻点
See, she's putting us down...put down: 放下瞧,她放我们下来了
No! I'm too young to be eaten.不!我这么年轻,不该被吃掉啊!Wow! Nice mucus. And I don't care for, everyone.mucus: 黏液 care for: 关心哇!这鼻涕长得真有型,可不是人人都有啊。
Listen these things get complicated. Maybe we can work something out.complicated: 复杂的那个,这些事情是很复杂啦,也许我们能商量个办法。
I can have them on Sundays to Tuesdays? Wednesdays to Fridays? Weekends!周日到周二我带?或者周三到周五?周末就够了!It's Okay, mommas okay!没事,妈妈没事!If you eat me, it will send a bad message.message: 启示你要是吃了我,对孩子们影响不好。
Ha! Score one for the sloth!score: 得分 sloth: 树懒哈哈!看看孩子们护着谁,我得一分!And the scores all tied up.tie up: 纠缠现在就算打的难解难分吧。
-Crash: Do you think the beast will find, Sid?beast: 野兽 你觉得那个怪物会不会找到Sid Or more importantly, us?最主要是,会不会找到,我们?
-Buck: Rudy? Are you joking? He's relentless. He knows all, sees all eats all.joke: 开玩笑 relentless: 坚韧的Rudy?开玩笑,他可是不知疲倦的,他洞察一切,吞噬一切。
So that's a, yes.也就是说,会了。
Hey, get off my lawn! Go on shoo!!get off: 离开 lawn: 草坪 go on: 继续 shoo: 发出嘘声赶走嘿,从我家草坪上滚开,走!I knew that guy when he was a caterpillar. You know, before he came out.caterpillar: 毛虫那家伙,他还是毛毛虫的时候我就认识,你知道的啦,就是他还没变态的时候。
-Diego: So your just living down here by your wits! All on your own, no responsibilities?wit: 智力 on one’s own: 独自地 responsibility: 责任这么说,你就这么靠智慧生存!孤身一人,了无牵挂?
-Buck: Not one! It's incredible. No dependence, no limits, the greatest life a single guy can have.incredible: 难以置信的 dependence: 依赖 limit: 限制 single: 单身的就我一个!岂不妙哉,没有依赖,自由自在,真是每个单身汉的梦想。
-Diego: Did you hear that? This is my kind of place.你听到没?这就是我想呆的地方。