Ice Age Ⅲ 冰河世纪3中英台词3


Breathe in the toxic fumes and you'll probably die. breathe in: 吸进 toxic: 有毒的 fume: 臭气要是吸入有毒气体,你估计就没救了。
-Ellie: toxic fumes.有毒气体?
-Buck: just another day in paradise.paradise: 天堂又一个阳光灿烂的日子。
-Manny: Wait!等等!-Buck: Geronimo!geronimo: 安全下滑装置(美国伞兵跳伞时会喊这么个词)
出发喽!-Manny: Ellie! You okay?Ellie!你没事吧?
-Ellie: you have to try this.太好玩了,你们快来啊。
-Buck: Alright now pile on everyone, couldn't be easier.pile on: 堆积好了,一个一个上,再简单没有了。
Don't panic! Just some, technical difficulties. Keep holding it in boys.panic: 恐慌 technical: 技术的 hold in: 忍住别慌!只是出了点,技术故障,各位坚持住先。
-Crash: I can't take it anymore. 我憋不住了。
-Eddie: He breathe it. And now I'm breathing it.他吸气了!哦,我也吸气了!-Crash: Hey we're not dead. ,我们没挂。
-Eddie: you sound ridiculous.ridiculous: 可笑的你听起来可真滑稽。
-Crash: Me? You should hear you.我?你真该听听你自己。
Alright, alright. And one, and two...准备好了,好了,12……
Christmas, Christmas time is 圣诞节圣诞节~圣诞节~ -Manny: Are you crazy?你们疯了吗?
-Diego: It's not poison.poison: 毒药这不是毒气。
-Eddile: It's so disturbing.disturbing: 烦扰的现在麻烦大了。
-Buck: Stop laughing, all of you! 不准笑,统统都不准笑!-Crash: "Stop laughing, all of you!""不准笑,统统都不准笑"
-Manny: What's rule number one?第一条军规是嘛呀?
-Ellie: They're just laughing, what's so bad about that? 他们只是笑一笑罢了,有那么严重吗? -Buck: They died laughing.这些家伙就是笑死的。
-Ellie: Stop laughing! 别笑了! -Manny: Do you know what's funny though?though: 但是你知道什么最好笑吗?
We're trying to save Sid and now we're all gonna die!我们还想去救Sid 可自己却先死翘翘了!-Crash: And I don't even like Sid. 我甚至都不怎么喜欢Sid
-Eddie: Who does? He's an idiot!idiot: 白痴有谁喜欢呢?他是白痴!-Diego: Thank's for getting me into this mess. It's the most fun I've had in years.get into: 陷入 mess: 乱七八糟多谢你啊,拖我搅这趟浑水,这么多年了从来没有这样刺激过。
-Manny: Thank you, for deserting the herd. That was totally super.desert: 放弃 herd: 群体 totally: 完全谢谢你啊,玩单飞,真是牛逼!-Buck: Stop that! Don't you see? We're all gonna die.停下!还没明白吗?我们都要翘辫子了。
-Ellie: We gotta do everything, huh?什么都得靠我们自己,对不?
-Crash: Sometimes I wet my bed. 我有时候会尿床。
-Eddie: That's alright. Sometimes I wet your bed.没事了,有时候我会尿你的床。
-Manny: I'm not sure how much of that you could hear? 不知道你听到多少? -Ellie: Oh I heard all of it.,我听得真真的-Eddie: you wet my bed? 你在我床上尿床? -Crash: That was, gas talk dude!.dude: 伙伴哎呀,中毒时候说的话,怎么能当真。
-Manny: Well, We better Get moving.好了,我们还是赶紧赶路吧。
-Diego: Aren't we forgetting something?我们是不是忘了点什么?
-Buck: I'm so lonely.我好寂寞哦。
-Sid: Okay. Here you go guys... Muncher, muncher.muncher: 大声咀嚼好了,开饭饭了吃吧,吃吧。
What! Your not gonna eat your vegetables? How you going to become big and strong, dinosaurs?vegetable: 蔬菜 怎么!你们不吃蔬菜?那怎么能长成强壮的大恐龙呢?
No... I raised them vegetarian. It's a healthier lifestyle I mean look at me.raise: 养育 vegetarian: 素食的 lifestyle: 生活方式不行我要把他们教育成素食主义,这样更健康,我就是个最好的例子。
Excuse me. I'm trying to have a conversation here.conversation: 谈话拜托,我跟你说话呢。
No, no, no! That's not for us kids. Way to feathery and fleshy and.feathery: 生有羽毛的 fleshy: 肉的不行,不行!我们的孩子不能吃这个这个太毛太油了,而且
...and alive!alive: 活着的还是活的!No, no, no, we do not eat live animals, period.period: 就是这么回事不行。不行,我们不能吃活的动物,没得商量。
Now go, fly. Be free.好了,快飞吧,你自由了。
Little, flightless bird.flightless: 不飞的不会飞的小小鸟。
my bad. 是我不好。
Hey, Where you going?,你去哪?
This is how you resolve a conflict? No wonder your single.resolve: 解决 conflict: 矛盾 no wonder: 难怪你就是这么解决矛盾的?难怪到现在也没人要。
Oh come on. Am I talking to myself here? I say they're vegetarian, you say, 'Grrrr' .vegetarian: 素食的嘿,拜托,我是在自言自语吗?我说他们要吃素食,你说""
I say can we talk about this? You say, Grrrr. I don't call that communication.communication: 沟通我说我们能谈谈吗?你说"" 酱紫算什么沟通嘛。
See, that's your answer to everything.瞧,你解决问题就这么一个老路子。
What are you afraid of? You're the biggest thing on, Earth.你还怕什么?你是地球上最大的了。