Ice Age Ⅲ 冰河世纪3中英台词3(3)


-Buck: Better friend? Are you plucking my whiskers?pluck: 猛拉 whisker: 胡须更够格?你开什么国际玩笑?
You risked your life, your mate and your baby to save your buddy!risk: 的危险 buddy: 好朋友你冒着你自己,你老婆,还有你孩子的生命危险,去救你这朋友。
Not the best husband or father, but... a damn good friend.damn: 该死的或许算不上好丈夫或者好父亲,可是做朋友够意思。
Everybody stop!大家都停下!I smell something.我闻到点什么。
Hmm, it smells like a buzzard's butt fell off.buzzard: 秃鹰类 butt: 屁股嗯,有点像秃鹰的尾毛。
And then got sprayed on by a bunch of, skunks. spray on: 喷射 a bunch of: 很多 skunk: 臭鼬又被一群臭鼬放屁熏了一遍。
-Diego: That's, Sid.就是Sid没错。
-Buck: Mammal's, we have ourselves a crime scene.mammal: 哺乳动物 crime: 犯罪 scene: 情景各位,我们找到犯罪现场了!Half eaten carcass! Hunk of...oh, no!carcass: 尸体 hunk: 大块一撮臭烘烘毛,一根吃剩下一半的骨头!还有一坨啊!不妙!Broccoli!broccoli: 花椰菜菜花!Here's what I think happened: Dinosaur attacked Sid, Sid, fights back with piece of broccoli.attack: 攻击 fight: 对抗我认为,事情是这样的:恐龙袭击SidSid用菜花反抗。
Leaving dinosaur, a vegetable. 把恐龙,打成了植物龙。
-Diego: are you nuts?你傻了吗?
Sid's not violent, or co-Ordinated.violent: 暴力的 co-ordinated: 同等的Sid可没那么暴力,也没这本事。
-Manny: Yeah and where's the dinosaur? 对啊,还有,恐龙呢? -Buck: Alright, alright. Good point.好了好了,算你们有理。
Theory two:theory: 理论场景重现2
Sid's eating broccoli. Dinosaur eats Sid. Dinosaur steps on broccoli.step on: 踩踏Sid在吃菜花,恐龙吃掉Sid 恐龙踩过菜花。
Leaving broccoli, a vegetable. 菜花就这样,成了一坨。
-Manny: Buck, when exactly Did you lose your mind?lose one’s mind: 神经错乱Buck,你脑子到底什么时候开始脱线的?
-Buck: Umm... 3 months ago. I woke up one morning married to a pineapple.wake up: 醒来 marry: 结婚 pineapple: 菠萝呃三个月前,我一觉醒来,发现自己和一个菠萝结婚了。
An *UGLY* pineapple.ugly: 丑陋的还是一只巨丑无比的菠萝。
but I loved her. 可我还是爱它。
-Diego: Uh, Buck!I think you missed a Little clue over here.clue: 线索呃,Buck,这边你好像漏了点线索。
-Buck: Your friend might be alive. But not for long. Rudy's closing in.你朋友或许还活着,可也活不久,Rudy越来越近了。
You got it. The plates of, wow. Or whatever's left of them.明白了吧,"惊呼之地",哇或者随便拿这里剩下的玩意取个名儿。
Single file everyone. Head for, Lava Falls.single: 单一的 file: 档案 single fire: 单行 head for: 方向走去大伙排成一列朝"熔岩瀑布"进发。
-Eddie: What's that sound? 什么声音? -Buck: It's the wind. It's speaking to us.是风,它在和我们说话。
-Crash: What's it saying? 它说什么? -Buck: I don't know. I don't speak wind.我怎么知道,我又不是风语者。
-Manny: Ellie? Ellie -Ellie: I'm fine, don't worry about me. I'm just taking my...我没事,只是在
-Manny: Ellie! Whoa!Ellie-Ellie: Manny! Manny-Manny: Get to the ledge!ledge: 架状突出物快跳到旁边岩架上!Ellie! Ellie, Where are you?Ellie Ellie,你在哪?
-Ellie: It's okay, I'm up here. 我没事,我在上面。
-Manny: Hang on, Ellie. We'll be right there.hang on: 坚持 撑住,Ellie,我们马上就到!-Sid: Wait! Sloth down!等等,我掉下来了!Wait... Time out. Hold up. Jeez, you guys are getting fast.jeez: 老天等暂停了,停下,天,你们也太快了。
It's not so bad down here. Nice weather, friendly neighbours.neighbour: 邻居这儿也还不赖嘛,气候宜人,邻里和睦。
Hi, neighbour.嗨,邻居。
-Buck: Rudy... Rudy…
-Crash: Rudy!Rudy-Buck: Never heard That kind of dino, before. dino: 恐龙怎么没听过这种恐龙。
-Manny: That's, Sid.那是Sid-Buck: We'll have to move fast.那我们要快了。
-Ellie: Manny. Pineapples. Manny,菠萝。 -Buck: Pineapples.菠萝。
-Manny: She gets cravings.craving: 渴望她是想吃水果了。
-Ellie: Pomegranates, grapefruits, nectarines.pomegranate: 石榴 grapefruit: 葡萄 nectarine: 油桃石榴,葡萄,油桃。
-Diego: She's ordering a fruit cocktail.cocktail: 鸡尾酒她这是在点果味鸡尾酒呢。
-Ellie: Come on, think. Peaches! 快啊,快想,桃子!-Manny: Peaches...? Peaches!