Ice Age Ⅲ 冰河世纪3中英台词3(2)


Aren't you?不是吗?
-Buck: They'll never survive, it's dangerous by day! But it's even worse at night.survive: 生还他们肯定活不成,这里白天就够危险,晚上就更凶险了。
Plus the guide is a lunatic! What you mean, Buck? Oh his 并且 lunatic: 疯子 whack: 怪癖的人而且向导是个疯子!说谁呢?Buck?哦,他可是疯的没救了。
I am not. Totally bonkers! And his feet smell. Shut up! You shut up!bonker: 疯子 shut up: 关闭我不是疯子,彻头彻尾的疯汉子,而且还有香港脚!闭嘴!你闭嘴!Oh you little...你个小混蛋
-Manny: He's strangling his own foot. Shouldn't we get moving?strangle: 束缚他在和自己的脚打架,我们是不是该上路了?
-Buck: And give, Rudy a midnight snack? Not likely. the skulls right, take a load of mammals.midnight: 午夜 snack: 点心 skull: 头骨 a load of: 许多 mammal: 哺乳动物去给Rudy当夜宵?门都没有,这骨头说的没错,他一顿得吃N头大象。
We'll camp here. Now, who's hungry? I am. You don't need the calories!camp: 露营 calory: 热量我们在这露营,好了,谁饿了?我!你又不需要热量!There I was... My back against the wall. No way out.当时我的背紧贴着墙,周围没有出路。
Perched on a razor's edge of oblivion. Staring into the eye, of the great white beast.perch on: 位于之上 razor’s edge: 危险边缘 oblivion: 忘却 stare: 凝视我栖在深谷的边缘,突然,看到了一双眼睛,一头白色庞然大物的眼睛。
-Crash: were you killed? 你死了吗?
-Buck: Sadly, yes. But I lived!悲惨的是,我死了,但是,我又活了!Never had I felt so alive, than when I was so close... To death.我从未如此强烈地感受到生命,直到我如此近距离地接触死亡。
Just before, Rudy could suck me down his gullet.suck down: 吸入 gullet: 咽喉转眼间,Rudy就会把我咽下喉咙。
I grabbed hold of that, roast pink fleshy thing that dangles at the back of the throat.grab: 抓住 roast: 烘烤的 pink: 粉红色的 fleshy: 肉的 dangle:摇晃地悬挂着 throat: 喉咙我紧紧地抱住那个,悬在喉头的,软软的,粉粉的,肉肉的东西。
I hung on to that sucker, and I swung back and forth, back and forth.hang on to: 紧紧抓住 swing: 摇摆 back and forth: 来回地我死死地抱着那玩意儿,并且前后摇摆,向后向前。
Back... and forth and back. Until finally I let go and shot right out of his mouth.finally: 最后 shot: 射击向后向前向后最后,我放开手,从他嘴里直直地射了出去!I may have lost an eye that day. But I got this.那一回,我是瞎了一只眼,可我也得到了这个。
-Eddie: Rudy's tooth...Rudy的牙齿
-Buck: It's like the old saying: "An eye for a tooth". A nose for a chin. A butt for a"...就像老话说的"以牙还眼",以下巴还鼻子,以屁股还
It's an old saying. But uh, it's not a very good one. 这也是个俗语,算了,真的很俗。
-Crash: you are super weasel.weasel: 黄鼠狼你真是超级黄鼠狼。
-Eddie: Ultra weasel.ultra: 过度的终极黄鼠狼。
-Diego: Diesel weasel.diesel: 柴油机超能黄鼠狼。
What? He is.怎么了,他就是。
-Buck: Now let me tell you about the time I used to sharpen, clam-Shell to turn a T-Rex,sharpen: 变为锐利 clam-shell: 海蚌 T-Rex: 霸王龙接下来,我给你们讲,当年我是怎么用这把锋利的齿刀,把一头霸王龙Into a T-Rachel 治得服服帖帖。
-Crash: Yes master.好的,大师。
-Manny: Wow, that's enough fairy-Tales for one night.fairy-tale: 童话故事哇,今晚的故事就到此为止吧。
Come on, Ellie. you should rest now... 来吧,Ellie,你该休息了… -Ellie: Pff..Life at the party.,快乐的时光总是过得太快。
-Buck: Alright, you guys get some shut-Eye, I'll keep watch. shut-eye: 睡觉 keep watch: 看守好了,你们去合合眼,我来守夜。
-Crash: Don''t worry,' Buck, We got this.别担心,Buck,有我们呢。
Night time is possum time. Yeah, We own the Night baby.possum: 负鼠黑夜就是负鼠的天下,没错,瞧好了吧,宝贝儿。
-Buck: Good night, Rudy.晚安,Rudy
-Sid: Wait, wait. What about me?等等,我怎么办?
Sleep well, kids. We have a busy day tomorrow. Forging, Hunting...forge: 锻炼晚安,宝贝,明天有得忙呢,锻炼,捕猎
Missing my friends. Probably are not missing me.probably: 大概想念朋友,估计他们不会想我。
Your a real softie. You know that?你可真是个软心肠,知道嘛?
-Ellie: Manny?Manny
Crash? Eddie?Crash? Eddie?Manny?Manny
What's going on? Are you okay?怎么回事?你没事吧?
-Manny :I'm sorry. I just wanted to keep you safe, and抱歉,我只是想保护你。
Now you're in the most dangerous place in the world.可如今,却害你困在这么危险的地方。
-Ellie: This isn't your fault. It's bigger than both of us. We have to get, Sid.fault: 过失这又不是你的错,那只恐龙比我们两个加起来还大,我们必须去救Sid
-Manny: Yeah, but If I had been a better friend to him... we wouldn't be here.