Ice Age Ⅲ 冰河世纪3中英台词3(6)


Run!快跑!Over here you colossal, fossil! Looking for something?colossal: 巨大的 fossil: 化石看这边,你个大化石!在找东西吗?
Why don't you come and get it? To the cave! Go!cave: 山洞有本事就过来拿啊,快进山洞,快!-Manny: Stay with the baby. 带着孩子呆着别动。
-Ellie: We'll be fine. Go!我们没事,你快去!-Diego: Wuss!wuss: 胆小鬼软蛋龙!-Buck: Pop, Goes the weasel!weasel: 黄鼠狼哈!黄鼠狼在此!Shoo, shoo! Come on! Move!嘘,嘘!快!给我飞!-Manny: Diego... Catch!Diego…接着!-Sid: Through the hole, over the valley. One more loop. hole: valley: 山谷 loop: 圈穿个洞,绕个圈,再打个结。
-Buck: Come on lads, heev!lad: 少年,小伙子 拉吧,啊哈!-Buck: Better luck next time, snowflake. This isn't Gonna hold him long. Let's go.snowflake: 雪花 下次好运了,小雪花,绳子绑不了它多久,快走!-Sid: Hold up, guys!大家等等我!Way to go, mom-Zilla!干得漂亮,大龙妈妈!Come here, kids. Well let me tell you something. You're where you belong now.过来点,宝宝,我告诉你们啊,这里才是你们的家。
And I'm sure you're gonna grow up to be giant, horrifying dinosaurs.giant: 巨大的 horrifying: 令人震惊的我相信你们长大一定会是又高又大,又让人怕怕的大恐龙。
Just like your mother.就跟你们的妈妈一样。
...take good care of our kids.照顾好我们的孩子。
-Manny: You were a Good parent, Sid.你是个好家长,Sid
-Sid: Thank's.谢谢can I Baby-sit for you. baby-sit: 当临时保姆我能给你家当保姆吗? -Manny: Not a chance.想都别想。
-Sid :Oh Come on, I work cheap.,表这样嘛,我可以低薪上岗。
-Manny:  Alright, I'll think about it.好了,我考虑考虑。
-Sid: Yes! 太棒了! -Manny: Never happened.当这事没发生过。
Buck: He's gone. What am I supposed to do now? 他死了,我现在该怎么办? -Ellie: That's easy.很容易。
Come with us. 跟我们走吧。
-Buck: you mean... up there?你是说上去?
I never thought of going back. I've been down here so long, it feels like up to me.up to: 适于我没想过再回去,在这儿呆久了,都习惯了。
I'm not sure I can fit-In up there anymore. fit in: 适应我不知道自己还能不能适应地上的生活。
-Diego: So look at us. We look like a normal herd to you?normal: 正常的 herd: 群体瞧瞧我们几个,你觉得我们像是正常的一帮子吗?
-Buck: So long, big guy.永别了,大块头。
-Manny: That's our queue. Come on peaches.queue: 队列到我们了,来吧,桃子。
-Buck: He's alive.他还活着。
-Diego: Buck...?Buck……
-Buck: I... I gotta... 我想… -Diego: Yeah..我懂
-Buck: Besides this world should really stay down here.stay down: 停留再说,这地方还是别让人知道的好。Take care of 'em, tiger. 照顾好他们,虎兄。
-Diego: "Always listen to, Buck."“永远服从Buck”
-Sid: We're almost out.我们快出洞了。
-Manny: is everybody, okay? 大家都没事吧? -Crash: Where's Buck?Buck呢?
-Diego: Don't worry. He's where he wants to be.别担心,他在他想在的地方。
-Crash: is he going to be okay? 那他没事吧?
-Diego: are you kidding? Nothing can kill that weasel.你开玩笑吧,那黄鼠狼可死不了。
It's, Rudy I'm worried about.我倒是在担心Rudy
-Manny: I know this baby thing isn't for you. But whatever you decide to do...decide: 决定我知道,家有儿女这种事你不适应,不过,无论你做什么决定
-Diego: I'm not leaving, buddy. Life of adventure... It's right here.buddy: 伙伴 adventure: 冒险我不走了,伙计探险人生这里就是。
-Manny: Well, I got a whole speech here. I've been working on it. How can I show you that I'm strong and...whole: 整个的 speech: 演讲我还准备了一大篇演讲呢练了好久,你这样让我怎么表现得既强壮又细腻。
Sensitive? Noble, yet caring?sensitive: 敏感的 noble: 高尚的既高尚,又温柔?
-Sid: Ah, they grow so fast, huh? Look at my kids.啊,小家伙长得真快,对吧?想想我的孩子。
Seems They were born one day And then gone the next. 好像是昨天才出生,今天就走了。
-Diego: They were, Sid.就是,Sid-Sid: Yeah, it was a lot of work.对啊,养孩子真辛苦。
-Ellie: It's right, sweetheart. Welcome to the Ice Age. 没事的欢迎来到冰川世纪。