Ice Age Ⅲ 冰河世纪3中英台词(6)


I knew you would agree.agree: 同意我就知道你们也这么想。
Oh oh, don't cry! I'll find a dry place.dry: 干燥哦,别哭哇,我给你们找个干燥的地方。
Let me just dry you off.dry off: 弄干我帮你擦擦干。
I don't know, being a parents, a lot of work.怎么办呢,当家长,责任太大了。
Maybe I'm not ready.也许我是没准备好。
-Dignousour babies: Mamma, mama, mama!妈妈,妈妈,妈妈!I'm a mommy.我当妈咪了!-Sid: Where's mommy?妈咪在哪里?
Here I am!在这里!There you go, nice clean faces.这就对了,把小脸洗的干干净净。
I got it! I got it
!我来接,我来接!Stop it, no.停下,别舔了。
Hey, no biting!bite: 咬嘿,不准咬!I'm sorry, no, it's okay, it's okay. Don't cry! Why you still crying?对不起,哦,没事了,都没事了,别哭哇,怎么还哭。
Are you hungry? Maybe your hungry. I know just the thing.你们饿了吗?应该是饿了,我知道上哪儿找吃的。
...this is animal. I am your baby and this is my milk.牛妈妈在这里,我就是你的牛宝宝,来吃奶奶了~~~Ahhhh!!! I thought you were a female!female: 雌性啊!!!!我以为你是母的!I'm sorry, but you can't go in. Manny says, It's just for kids.抱歉哦,可你们不让进的 Manny说,只给小孩子玩。
Wait a minute... You are kids!等下你们就是小孩子呀!Just don't break anything!break: 弄破记得别碰坏东西!-Boy: The Sloth says the playground's open! sloth: 树懒 playground: 操场树懒说游乐场开放了!-Sid: No, wait. Not for everyone!!嘿,等等,不是全部开放!No, no. Don't touch that!别,别碰那个!-Woman: what are they? Who cares? Their fun!他们是什么动物?管他呢,有趣就是了!-Son1: Mommy, his not sharing.share: 分享妈咪,他占着这个不让我玩。 -Mother1: Aren't you gonna do something.你是不是该说说。
-Sid: Why, my kid had it first.说什么,本来就是我家孩子先抢到的。
-Son1: Did not! 不是!-Sid: Did to!就是!liar, liar, pants on fire.liar, liar, pants on fire: 糟糕的谎言[to lie so badly that, theoretically your pants will burst into flames. popularized by the kindergarten chant, "liar, liar, pants on fire!".—from Urban   Dictionary]骗人骗人,没羞没羞。
-Mother1: what is the matter with you?你哪根筋不对啊?
-Sid: I'm a single mother with 3 kids.single: 单身的我可是带着三个娃娃的单身母亲。
I could use a little compassion.compassion: 同情你给点同情会死人啊。
-Son2: No don't! 别那么玩!-Ronald: No, don't! Stop.别玩了!停下!-Mother Ronald: Ronald! Ronald-Sid: Whoa! That's insane.insane: